Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our CT trip: Friday

I am home. What a blessed feeling! It was so good to be able to go to CT to spend time with Kasey and meet sweet Baby Ethan for the first time. Alicia and I both felt good about everything that happened. Let me give you a recap.
On Thursday night, Dave, Jillian and I stayed at a hotel near the airport while Alicia met me there in the morning. Alicia and I leave on time, no traffic, all is going well. If you have not yet had the experience of traveling with a child, or two, let me warn you: It is work and it takes time! We park next to each other in the expensive parking lot near the gate because we know the feat that stands before us. I am traveling with Miss Jilly, a stroller, a car seat with the base, a large suitcase and my "purse" that is really a diaper bag that weighs 20 lbs! Alicia is bringing one small suitcase, a tote bag and her purse. We both new we looked silly walking to get our boarding passes and enjoyed the looks from passerby's. Security is an adventure in itself. Everything must be stored in its own gray bin to pass through the X-Ray machine. The stroller must collapse and the car seat separated from its base and put upside down. All this while holding a 16lbs baby, in your bare feet. God Bless Alicia for all her help. We made it through just fine, as I always have with Dave, we just take extra time and about 20 bins!

Here we at at our gate waiting to board the plane. We took some time to call home and chat with the ones we left behind.

Jillian is enjoying a little wiggle time on the floor!

Once on the plane, Miss Jilly gets fed and our movie begins. I love movies on planes. They make the time go by so much fast. Plus, since Dave and I don't get out too much, it is like going to the theater, only we are in the sky. For our viewing pleasure, they showed National Treasure. Great movie. Jillian did a mixture of sleep, eat, play and smile. She is such a great traveling baby. Thank you for your prayers on that. Here we are upon landing in CT!

Alicia and I behind our rental car!

Upon arrival, we catch the car rental van which quickly takes us to our car, a spiffy Volvo. We all head straight for the hospital. Alicia and I spoke on the plane about our nervous anxiety about meeting with Kasey. I played the scene over in my head several times. All scenarios included crying for all the adults. Alicia and I felt as prepared as you could be. We arrive at the hospital and head inside.

We were greeted by a nice lady at the desk asking for our name and the name of the patient we were visiting. Alicia and I were impressed with the level of security at this hospital. They keep those babies under lock and key. With Jillian in her stroller, we get our badges and head to the elevators...

That is when the nerves set in. We did not know what to expect. What type of children would we see? How would Kasey be holding up? How would Ethan look and act? Although the trip to the elevator was decorated with fun paintings and figures, we were nervous. It was a long ride up to their floor.

Once on their floor we passed through more security and we then told where to find their room. We get to her door and see Ethan in his crib and Kasey on her bed, which is really a small chair that pulls out into a bed. We tap on the window and she waves us in. My first impression of their room brought on a depressing feeling. My heart sank with the reality of what Kasey's first experience as a mother is like. Her baby is in a hospital crib with an IV tree next to it, one wall is a dulled orange while the other is a flat gray. It was a bit of a shock.

What you don't see upon arrival is the love that is in that room. Kasey loves that little boy with all her heart. I can't remember ever seeing Kasey so strong and sure of her roll as I have in that room. The nurses are so sweet to both mommy and baby and truly care about them both. On the walls were cards from Kasey's former students, pleading prayers and words of encouragement. We spend the next few hours being updated on the specifics of Ethan's illness, how Kasey is handling it and all the things in between. We all held our composure, not wanting to be the first to lose it, but relaxing in a friendship that has been affected by distance. It was so nice to be there with her. To see her hold her baby, to see the strength and faith that she has shown in her blog in person, face to face. Their live is now a ministry which is reaching more people than any of us know. Ethan is such a sweet, content, lovable little man! From looking at him, you wouldn't know how gravely ill he is. By looking at him the first day, he looked a bit jaundice. His skin was a bit yellow so he looked a little off. It wasn't something that grabbed you and said, "Hey, he is really sick with a rare form of Leukemia." That was a blessing.

Here are Ethan and Jillian meeting for the first time. This was also Ethan's first time to be naked in from of one of his peers! Hubba Hubba!

Ethan is giving Jillian his best grin, but she is only interested in her one true love...her thumb!

After chatting for a bit, Kasey shares some great news she received from the nurses just before our arrival. She got the go-ahead to take Ethan outside for the first time since his arrival. Because of the treatment he is receiving, he is very susceptible to getting sick. His immune system is very week and Kasey will need to keep him fairly isolated for quite awhile. With that said, his blood levels were doing well enough for a trip outside. The first one in 17 days. Man, I have taken my kids out almost every day for the past 17 days. What a luxury I take for granted. It was a special moment for Alicia and I to share with Kasey. I am glad we were there to celebrate with here! Enjoy the pictures of the adventure!

Kasey and Ethan heading toward the EXIT!!!

Yea! They made it past all the security check points and are outside! It is sad that a little thing like deciding to take your son outside becomes such an ordeal, but we all new it was for Ethan's well-being.

I loved this tree. It was so beautiful! Maybe it was because it matched Jillian!

The tulips were blooming! Here are the girls, plus Ethan! I know Alicia was missing her girls, but it was a sacrifice she made so that she would help me with Jillian, who is nursing, and spend time with Kasey! Thank you Alicia!

With the plan to spend more time together tomorrow, Alicia and I headed to our hotel to check in and get settled. During our stay in Ethan's room, Jillian was the best baby ever. I am so proud of her. She allowed us to put our attention on Kasey and Ethan without fussing or complaining. She didn't have all the "entertainment items" she does in our house, but she was content to lay on the bed and enjoy the new environment. She was a blessing.

After checking in, we headed next door to a great restaurant, go To Go food and headed back to the room. It was a nice ending to a long day. We got some sleep and were preparing for the events of the following day.

I will post more soon on how Ethan is doing, the things we were able to do with Kasey and more.

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Anonymous said...

I am so glad you and Alicia were able to go see Kasey! Give her and baby Ethan my love please! We are moving up to CT and God worked it out to be faster than we expected. Now I know why.
~Lori Granniss

Janelle and Ella said...

I know you guys blessed Kasey so much!! I am so glad y'all got to go. You girls are good friends! Can't wait to hear more.

Kasey said...

Linsey, it was so great to see you and meet Jillian. She is such a GOOD baby! And she's adorable. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you had to endure just to come give me some "Texas lovin".

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

I love the pictures of y'all outside! I'm praying for Ethan and family. What an adorable mom & son!

And I feel you on the traveling. It's ridiculous to get through security with a baby!