Monday, April 28, 2008

A few randoms...

I will post more about my CT trip tomorrow, but I wanted to share a few random happenings in our house!

Here are the before/after pictures of the breakfast area! Love Pottery Barn!

Gage and Jilly in their high chairs...Gage is sharing his Little Einstien candies and his juice with her. Such a good brother!

The colors of the high chair go so good with Jilly's coloring! She is so cute!
She is also a spitter! Bibs are a must!

I don't know how Gage did this by himself, but he has this Blue and Dots stuffed animals. Their paws are magnets and he managed to secure both around his wrists. This is how I found him from his nap!

Enjoy the might want to pause the music at the very bottom so you can hear Gage!
In this video he is using the pot holder as a puppet.

Mama gets no love in this one!

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Janelle and Ella said...

The videos are so cute!!! I love that he was using the pot holder as a phone.

Michelle said...

okay first...i love that utensil art work! i really want it and have been eyeing it in the last couple of catalogs. also, you mentioned that jillian is a spitter. how much? and what are you doing about it? jack is terrible! (read my blog)