Monday, April 7, 2008

Cousin Nathan Turns 6!

We had such a great time on Saturday over at my brother's house. My nephew turned 6. I can't believe it. Time has flown by. I remember flying up to NY, where they were living at the time, to visit after his birth. My first NY pizza was eaten in my sister-in-laws hospital room! Nathan was the most beautiful little baby. His eyelashes literally touched his eyebrows and he still has those long lashes today. He is such a smart kid, too! I love to see Gage get to play with him and Josh as well. They really watch out for him and include him in their adventures...even if Gage has no idea whats going on!

Enjoy the pictures!

the cake! Gage loves to see and say "Cake" but didn't want to taste it. Please note that Nathan added the cars exactly where he wanted them...I love the one driving up the flowers!

Nathan is in the middle...such a serious face!

This is Nathan's little brother, sweet Josh!

This is my brother Chris and my sister-in-law, Gina

Gage's first bounce house experience. He only wanted to go in there if the big boys were out! This was when the other kids were eating. He really enjoyed it then, but if the big kids tried to get in, he would shake his finger and tell them "No, No!" Wonder where he learned that!?!Gage is exiting the bounce house...can you see Josh and another boy about to tackle each other! Love it!!!

Abuelo is taking the pinata outside!

Gage totally loved getting to hit something with a bat and not get in trouble. Good thing I got him a Blue's Clues pinata for his party on Saturday!!Here is the ladies! I hate that I didn't get a picture w/ Jillian's head band and bow on. I don't really do the head band/bows with her, but I thought it was cute for the party. We may have to have a double take of that outfit so I can get pictures!

I think Gage spend 80% of his time playing with balloons!

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