Monday, June 30, 2008

Bachelorette...Spoiler Alert: GUYS TELL ALL!

from l to r: Me, Dylana, and Cindy (aka: the bunny whisperer)

The much anticipated guys tell all was last night. I have to say, it was a bit of a let down. I was at my friend/neighbor, Cindy's, house along with another friend/neighbor, Dylana. It was good to have all the fun girl talk. I think we paused this show more to have our own conversation than we did actual discussing of the show!

Let's start with a comment from Cindy. She wondered if Chris Harris was gay, to which I replied, no because he is married. She did point out that he has woman hands and doesn't like that on all I can focus on is his hands!
Moving on...All those men...they aren't bad on the eyes.

Poor Twilley. I feel bad for him for how he clammed up on the show, but he looked pretty good on this episode.

They are showing all the scenes where they all gang up on Jeremy...
Jeremy in hot seat: "Captain D-Bag" says Robert. Trust me, I could come up with way worse names for Robert than I could for Jeremy. Jeremy seems to be handling himself pretty good in the hot seat. All the guys are up in arms because he would interrupt their one on one time with DeAnna. I am not a fan of Ron, but I did like what he said, :
Ron: in a group environment there are different rules. We weren't there to win a prize, a piece of meat.... No matter what we have all seen of Jeremy, get back out there. I thought that was really sweet of him to say. I think Jeremy will be the next bachelor!

Wine break:

we finished the bottle of barefoot wine. IT was good. Now we are on the Oops wine that smells like butt and kind of tastes like it too. Dylana says she needs to hold her nose when she drinks it.

Moving right along, they are now showing when Jeremy had to say goodbye, he gets a little emotional seeing that again! Even though I don't really like him, I feel for him. He seems like a good guy and I hope, like Ron said, that he moves on and meets someone new. I hope he is the next bachelor!
Jer: "I still don't know if I can look at her"

Graham is up next:
Graham is up on the hot seat! It is hard to watch the playbacks of him. Oh, the bench scene. Oh, the letter...

He said that he made a lot of effort for her, but he wanted her to say it was a "we" problem, not a "me" problem. Love that he said he was more of a Jimmy Kimmel fan instead of an Ellen fan. (in case you don't remember, Ellen said that he would have communication problems and that DeAnna should watch out for that...Ellen if very intuitive!)
Graham is trying to defend himself by saying that since he allowed her to meet his family, it took a lot of him opening up. That is a good point, but why the Eeyore moments?
They are now going to discuss the letter: BORING, he just said it was how he felt, the last week of their relationship, he thinks it would have meant the world to her, if she read, and that he opened up...I wanted them to read it!

DeAnna is in the hot seat: like the dress, don't like the belt.
Man, that has to be hard for her to look at Jeremy and Graham.

Jeremy to D: when did you know i Was not the one for you?

D: It wasn't until I was on a date with Jason and Jesse that I knew I was in love with them. As it got further and things progressed, my heart didn't. I wanted there to be something there so badly...OUCH!!!

Graham to D: what happened to you two?
D: he was always the guy that I couldn't have. (She seems so over Graham now. Did ya'll notice that?)
They are totally arguing, but they need to makeout. "You are pissed," says Chris. She things G is acting like it doesn't matter to be here. I really thought Graham handled himself pretty well out there. He seemed like he was really trying to explain his side without placing blame on DeAnna. DeAnna, in my opinion, did not agree with me. She seemed to get really mad at him for some reason. Interesting. Maybe I was wrong about her being over him!

Chris Harris: Did anything romantic happen with you and the guys while in the house:

Jeremy came to her room to give her a kiss
Paul took a bath in her tub while she was away.

They are once again talking about the BBQ Blowout which I will ignore because I am so over that!
I love the bloopers! We got to see Ryan (the virgin) juggling and dropping a ball on his manliness, DeAnna burping, Chris Harris making DeAnna crack up about Sean's mullet and Ron making fun of Sean's martial arts obsession.
Deanna: I am happy, I am in love and I am engaged!!! (Jeremy looked like he would throw up.)

Can't wait for next week. My prediction is that she will choose Jesse. I still feel like Jason might have some underlying issues.
Until next time, comment away!

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Michelle said...

i laughed hysterically at ron's Socrates comments. he is so strange.

so, were you totally confused by Ryan, the pro football player, comment? and then more confusing how Deanna answered it and slammed graham again? i think she has been steaming and steaming since graham left and let it all out.

anyway...jeremy did take things well but do you really think he would be an exciting bachelor? i think i would sleep through that season.

i thought "d" was a little harsh, and it made me look at her a little different. maybe she is "so over it!"and ready to get married and move on.

Kasey said...

Man, I missed that episode, too! What would I do without your updates???