Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Break Free Teeth, Break Free

What is a home like where two children are cutting teeth? Well, to start, there is a lot of screaming, crying and whining. Oh and did I mention regression? (see picture below) The children have requested a lot of late night rendezvous with mom and Tylenol is give like candy (in the appropriate dosage of course). Lord, please bless their little gums and let those teefers break free.

Gage is getting his 2 year molars and Lord, molars turn him into another in which I would like to return more often then not! He conveniently got his 1 years molars when I was 5 months pregnant and we were on vacation with my family at the beach. Not the best timing. It is almost like the molars release some attitude altering drug into my little man's body that changes him into a professional whining machine. I do feel bad for him, but I feel bad for me too. It makes me want to lock myself in a closet and eat the whole apply pie I made yesterday - all by myself! This too shall pass, this too shall pass!

Jillian, simultaneously, has gotten her first tooth. It broke through yesterday. It was a milestone which means no more gummy smiles in our household, but it also means one step closer to eating regular food! It is the one on the bottom left and its sister tooth, next door, is about to pop up as well. Teething for her means waking in the middle of the night when she used to sleep through it. Let's just say between the two of them, I'm not sleeping so great. Last night Jillian woke up screaming at 11pm, Gage woke up screaming at midnight, Jillian woke up again screaming at 1am, and then silly me ,who forgot to go pee the other 3 times I was up, woke up at 2am to go to the bathroom. Needless to say, I have taken 2 much needed naps today and will head to bed early tonight in preparations for the night ahead. Please Bless My Sleep!

With all that said, my kids are still so cute. Here is a video and pictures to prove it! God bless you and your child's teething phase!

Here is a cute video of Jillian and her thoughts on teething:

Here is the above mentioned regression. Notice that Gage is drinking Jillian's bottle of water while Jillian is drinking (chewing) on Gage's juice. Gage would NOT take a bottle as an infant. We went straight from the boob to a cup with a lid and straw. So, it was a bit shocker that he even wanted this, even after the threat of giving Jillian his beloved juice.

When Gage isn't regression to his missed bottle years, he is a totally normal, active little 2 year old boy. He LOVES jumping in puddles and can do so until he is soaked to the bone and we are dragging him inside. Here he is in our backyard playing with his waterpillar (after about 20 mins of some good puddle jumping!). Thanks Target!

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Janelle and Ella said...

1. I am cracking up at the picture of you holding both of the babies' bottles/sippy cups. And then laughed harder at the picture of you holding Gage like a baby with a bottle. Something you never got to do with him. :-)
2. Love the sprinkler thing. Wish Ella would have experienced it with Gage. I bought a cute flower one at Target a couple weeks ago that is similar except it was in the dollar bins. We will try it out tomorrow for the first time. Hope it works as well.
3. I'm so sorry you are having some teething issues. I so hope tonight is a better night of sleep.
4. Is this the longest comment you have ever gotten?

Jenn said...

I'm so glad you have this blog up and running. It makes me feel like I am right there with you, experiencing the fun and not-so-fun joys of raising the kiddos! Thanks for taking the time to share them with us!

Kristin said...

It is so sweet that they are both willing to share their respective drinks! They may be teething, but they are sure are looking cute while doing it!