Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Out of my blogging bubble

Whatever funk I was in that was preventing me from blogging has vanished. I am back! We had a great day yesterday. It was hot here, my mom's car said is was 106, but I think it was in the 90s, but we spent the first part outside. Gage's cheeks get so red! I don't know what I am going to do with him when it really is 106 outside! I did buy him a little sprinkler spray guy, so we'll see if he likes that tomorrow! Hope you all are well...don't forget to vote for AI tonight!

Jillian playing with Grandma in the shade!

Gage showing his tongue! He thought it was fun posing for pictures and then looking at them in the camera! What did we do before digital?!?
What a face! I love the hat too! The strap totally makes it work!
RED CHEEKS! We will have to spend a lot of time in the water this summer!
After getting all sweaty, the kids had their first bath together! Gage is dunking her hand in the cup to clean it off! He is so sweet with her.

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Janelle and Ella said...

OH...I LOVE the bath picture. That is SO SWEET!!!! They are precious together.
BTW...Ella's cheeks get so red also when we are outside in the heat. It doesn't even have to be that hot for them to get red.

Kim said...

Super sweet pix, darling! We are counting the days until we are home to enjoy all that Texas heat :-) Love you!

Alicia said...

So cute! I am ready to start swimming with the girls too!