Thursday, September 25, 2008

Viral Rash

Last week Jillian had her first ear infection. We all have been struggling with allergies and hers just backed up into her ear. I don't know if this is in relation to that or something else, but now she is getting over a viral rash. Gage had one of these this summer. They aren't contagious but are not all. My poor baby girl. Here are some pitiful pictures! She is getting over it though and it is looking much better, but it was all over her body, not just her sweet face!

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Kasey said...

poor baby! I hated when Ethan got hives... his little face looked awful! don't rashes just make you feel sad when you look at them on your cutie pie! ugh... so glad she's getting over them!

Kim said...

Sweet baby girl! I am glad she is on the mend as well and hope that she is sleeping better too!! Hugs and kisses from GiGi

Janelle and Ella said...

Bless her heart!! That looks so sad! I'm glad it's better.