Monday, September 22, 2008

Painting with the Lifegroup Girls!

A couple of weekends ago I planned for my lifegroup girls to go to the local pottery painting place and have a little girls night. I was late. It was one of those nights when your hubby is being a little bit less then ladies know what I mean. That was a nice way of saying that my lovely husband was getting on every nerve in my body and I wanted to ship him off somewhere far away but I needed him to stay home with the kids so I could go out! It was one of those nights. They happen, marriage is sometimes hard! What can I say.

So, a girls night was much needed and anticipated. Here we are!
from l to r:
Kayla, Jody, Maria, Jen, me, Jen (with baby Reese)

I will have to show you guys some of the pieces I am working on. They are going to be great! Lots more posting to catch up on!

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Kristen said...

So sad that I missed it. Will was a monster that week!!! I'm just glad he's mostly back to normal.

Janelle and Ella said...

Your honesty cracks me up.

You look super cute by the way!!!