Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st Day of School

Today Gage had his first day of preschool. Where has the time gone? I feel like not that long ago he was a tiny babe rolling around on the floor and here we are today, dropping him off at school.
Here is a family picture right before we left...

I had to run some errands this morning (working out and car washing) and when I came home it was a mad dash to get myself freshened up so that I could help prepare Gage for school. Well, when I emerged, I asked him if he was ready to go to school. He replied, "No. I Not." Not good. However, after some convincing with Cars and the promise of new friends and time on the playground, we were in the car...all smiles!
Walking in!

Almost time for mommy to say goodbye! I did good ya'll, no tears. I was really just excited for him to have fun and meet new friends. This is a big adventure for him...plus he is only there for 2 1/2 hours!

Of course daddy joined us for the big day! My two boys!!! So cute!

I tried to get Gage to pose on the wall with one hand on the wall and the other at his side, but this looks more like a frisking!
The hallways to his classroom!
It was so sweet. This is one of his teachers, Ms. Paige. She was sitting on the floor by the door to the classroom greeting each child with a hug and a chat with a bear. Gage gladly climbed into her lap for the picture! Right past them is the EXIT door which leads to the playground. Gage kept asking her to go play. She said that first they were going to the room and play with playdo and dinosaurs. That was enough for him.

He marched his butt right in that class, put his backpack down and played with the playdo. I even told him bye first! Didn't care! My brave little man!
They have a window in the classroom that has leafs all over it. The parents can look into the class but the kids can't see out. Well, I watched Gage play for a bit, doing great. Then he realized they were about to shut the door and I wasn't in there. This was his face...
His other teacher, Ms. Jenny came to his side, so I decided to leave before I saw any meltdown. When I picked him up, he was all smiles!
Even happier when Grandma gave him his sprite and a new Cars car, Chuki. Gage calls her "turkey". It was a great first day of school!
He came home, took his nap, woke up super happy and ate a good dinner. What more could a mom ask for! I hope he is still excited about school on Thursday. I'll let you know!

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Kasey said...

LOVED the play-by-play! How sweet.... what a big boy!

jessicawhitfield said...

that was great recap of his 1st day, but where's the cute backpack you showed us with his name? glad he enjoyed it =]

Kim said...

Awesome blossom! He looks so happy and I am glad that he really enjoyed it. Day two will be here tomorrow and before you know it it will be June!!! I am certainly not wishing the days away, but you'll be amazed at how fast they'll really fly now :-) XOXOX

Kristen said...

Oh my - he looks like such a big boy going off to class by himself. I'm glad you were able to hold it together.

He's such a cutie pie!

Janelle and Ella said...

Such sweet first day of school pics! Looks like an awesome school!!