Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bunco Babes!

Let me start by saying that I love love love my neighborhood. It is such a good community to live in and raise your kids in. It helps that all three schools are within walking distance from our home. So, one of my neighbors, Stacey, is our Bunco Queen. She is our organizer and keeps us in line, and quite a crazy lady herself...good crazy, fun crazy!

Instead of playing Bunco this last meeting we went out on the town. Halla! We ate dinner and then danced till way to late. It was a good group of girls and I think we all had fun! Here are some pictures of the night.

Here is the whole group and some individuals! (too many to name!)

Then they started to place some fun dance music, and hello?, we aren't going to sit on our rumps and let that good music go to waste. So we danced! DANCED I said!

After dinner we went to our local dancing establishment to work off dinner and have a good time. Had fun ladies, hope you did too!

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1 comment:

Kim said...

You look awesome sugar!!! I can tell your hair is growing out and I love your top :-) I am so glad you live in such a nice community and have such wonderful friends - looks like you girls had a ball!