Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Birthday or Whatever

Last week I turned 28. For the past 2 years, I have been pregnant on my birthdays. So, this was the first birthday in the past 3 years that I wasn't pregnant. Funny, huh? Ok, maybe not, but here is my birthday recap! I started my birthday morning at the dentist, not fun, but much needed. I will post more on how my condition the following 2 birthdays have given me teeth closer to a ninety year old sugar addict, but that is another post. After coming home from 1 1/2 at the dentist, I came home to find this:

Fun presents from my mom, Dave and a very excited 2 year old whose hopes were held solely on devouring that sweet little cakes!
Dave, Gage and me...the one with the half numb face!

Gage is just so cute! I am pretty positive he thought this was his birthday and that "happy birthday mom" was a mistake! He was so excited to have the candles on the cake, light and on his high chair. He had so much fun with it that I relite a candle and let him blow it out on his own piece of cake!
That is the face of pure joy!
My gifts from my mom were the super cute cookbook holder, measuring spoons (I was in dire need of them, I only had one lonely tablespoon and a 1/4 teaspoon), a wallet to match my super cute purse, and an engraved bottle of wine!!!

The rest of the day was spent with Dave. We dropped Gage off at school and went to BN where Dave bought me this because, well, it was my bday:

Not a good book. It is like a bathroom read. No real point, or climax or end. It is more whatever than anything else. It was the thought of this gift that counts! We then ate lunch at one of my favorite places, picked up the Mister and then hung out until our dinner that night!

We met some friends at Fireside Pies. This is a great pizza place that has yummy food and tasty sangria! Yumm-O!

me and Dave

The girls from l to r: Kassie, me, Janelle, and Kallie
(K and K are the Twilight girls from the NY trip)

Here is the group with all but one hubby!
One of the presents from Dave was to have a personal chef come to our house and cook us meals for 2 for 10 nights. What a treat! It was like have my own person (male version) Rachel Ray! His name is Chef Tim and he did a great job. If you live in the DFW area you should contact him if you think you could use his services. He does meals like he did for us but also does private parties and dinner groups. I am sure I will use him again!

The above picture is Chef Tim at work, below is some of his gear. He brings everything, and I mean everything he needs for dinner and cleanup. My house was as clean when he left as when he came and my fridge/freezer was fully of yummines!

Finally, we celebrated my b-day with my mom, stepdad, brother and his family on Sunday. I bought this Tres Leches cake from the greatest local grocery store by our house. It was pretty good, but I don't think I am a tres leches kind of girl.

Here are the cousins about to head outside:
from l to r: Josh, Gage, Nathan
Nathan and Gage running hand in hand. Nathan is SO good with Gage!
Super Fast Josh
The grandkids with their grandparents...watching the COWBOYS! Halla!

My bro and sister bought me this: I can't wait to watch it...oh, and i love the new 90210!
While my dad and stepmom, Kim, were in town with the family this summer they bought me this: So great! I love it. It is from Sam Moon, the greatest accessory store EVER! My mom bought me a matching wallet which is great b/c I didn't have one! My dad/stepmom also bought me a great Sledge shirt. I am not familiar with the designer prior to owning a shirt, but they have some super cute stuff!
the end

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Kim said...

Happy Birthday honey. Glad you had such a nice day and were able to enjoy time with your hubby and friends and family. Wish Dave Happy 30 and a half today!!! Love you

Kasey said...

I love that bag!! Ah, how I miss Sam Moon... I forgot about that place. Happy Birthday! Oh and thank you for the voicemail about the biter biscuits, my dad picked some up for me and Ethan loves them!

Janelle and Ella said...

It was such a fun birthday!!! Thank you for treating US on YOUR birthday! :-) You are a sweet friend.
Great pics and GREAT presents!

Kristen said...

Happy Birthday!!! I'm glad you had a wonderful b-day!

Becka said...

Kallie told me she was going to a party... didn't tell me it was yours! Happy belated birthday! Hope everything is well :)
