Tuesday, August 26, 2008

toddler backpacks

For Gage's 2nd birthday, my mom got him this super cute Stephen Joseph backpack...

We use it for all sorts of things, a diaper bag for when he goes to church, to hold all of his Cars cars in, to put snacks and toys for road trips, whatever. I love it so much because, well of course, it is cute, but also because it is a good size for him. I hate seeing those little toddlers with big kid sized backpacks. Not good for their backs. I loved his so much in fact, that I bought Miss Jillian one!

Now she has her own little back for church.

Well, tomorrow is the open house at Gage's school. It is hitting me. My baby is starting preschool! Is he ready? Am I ready?!?! I hope that he has fun, makes some friends and maybe even learns a little something.

Side note: Today was a horrible day. I was up all night feeling horrible...stomach bug going around and I had caffeine a little to late. Gage woke up at 4:30AM. Are you serious? Yes, I am. He didn't go back to sleep either. He was AWAKE at 4:30am. I let him cry, rocked him and finally sat him in front of the tv. I was in bed most of the day. The kids were a little crabby because I don't think they feel so hot either. So, please pray for a good night and rest of the week. Pray that Gage starts taking his good naps again, which he hasn't been doing for about 2 weeks now, and pray that we get healthy. Amen!

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Jill said...

Girl, I sympathize!! Up until two days ago, Garrett hadn't napped (okay maybe 1-2 days a week) in two weeks either! My neighbor's little boy is doing the same thing. I think something is in the water! Hope things settle down soon for ya'll....my G starts at the same preschool as your G, too! Maybe we'll run into each other.

Kasey said...

I can sympathize with the lack of sleep. Ethan has gone back to the newborn stage now with all the middle of the night nurse visits. He wakes up and will NOT go back to sleep until he's fed again. Oh well... hope you're feeling better... and I LOVE the bags!