Sunday, August 17, 2008

New York - Part Two

Finally! I am finally posting about the second and final day of the NY trip...took long enough, eh? (That's for my Canadian kin folk! Halla!)

Day 2 started way to early...remember, we didn't close our dancing maniac eyes until about 3:30am and our alarm was set at 7am. I was never the type of person to stay up all night or even until the wee hours of the morning, so mama needs her sleep. 3 1/2 hours of sleep is more like a nap then a good nights rest, but hey, were are in the city that never sleeps, right? Lets just say I paid for it the rest of the day...and the next...and the next! :)

We woke up so early so that we could get ready, see some sights and then head to Borders to prepare for the podcast. So, here are the sights!

Time Square

The girls! from l to r: Kallie, me, Kassie

Cab ride back to our hotel

The beautiful New Yorker Hotel

After some freshening up, we met some volunteers for the website who were going to help us through the day. Here we are.

Then it was off to Borders. Man, what a bookstore! They have a great meeting area in the back for events just like this one. Let me take a moment to explain the purpose of the NY trip. My friends from college created a website where they discuss all things Twilight. On their website, you can listen to their podcast. A podcast is just like listening to a talk show or an interview on your computer. There is not a camera, just our pretty voices. They have asked me to be a part of some of their podcast, and others they do on their own. One of their volunteers, Becca, organized a trip to NY where we would get together with other Twilight website owners and tones of fans to do a live podcast. That night, in NYC there was a concert with Blue October and a chance to meet Stephanie Meyer, the author, for the book release. About 100 guest came to listen to the podcast (which was set up panel style). MTV was also there. It was pretty cool! If you guys want to listen to a podcast go here. You can also go here or here for more NY trip stuff.

The sisters who started it all...Kassie and Kallie
Becca, the fabulous volunteer who put all this together!
The panel

Kim from MTV was there!
America's Next Top Models anyone??
Meeting the fans

Interview with Borders
more fans

What a day! I was exhausted. We still had 2 more flights, which of course were delayed before we could get back home. We were on one plane for 5 hours...and ya'll it was a 2 hour flight. Not fun.

Funny story and then I am done. One the final flight back to DFW we were all seated in different business class here. Bummer! I was in the middle seat between a man and a women. Behind me there was a mom with 2 boys, one on her lap, around 2 and one in his own seat, around 4 years old. Now, our flight going into ATL was delayed, however, the flight we were supposed to connect to in ATL waited for us. They were delayed an hour at the terminal, then they sat on the plane for anther hour until we finally ran on board and then the took off. So, these kids behind me were behaving so well considering what they had been through. However, once we took off the sweet sleep that they boys were in vanished. The 4 year old starts screaming and the mom is trying to calm him while keeping the 2 year old in her lap asleep. Long story short, I ended up holding the 2 year old (pretending it was my sweet Gage) for the 2 hour flight. I felt so bad for that mommy, what else could I do! We made it home, save and sound. I have finished the 4th book in the series. Like it a lot, but didn't love it. And, I just read that the release date for the movie has been moved up to Nov 21st! Holy moly!!

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Kim said...

Holla!!! Love all your pics. What a busy and eventful day :-) I can't believe the movie has been bumped up - awesome!! Still reading.... XOXO

Anonymous said...

ahh im in one of the pictures that so cool!
Linsey im Emelia i got to meet you at the podcast..dont know if you remember me but i had a great time! and meeting you was so awsome!!