Thursday, August 28, 2008

Meet the Teacher

My baby is growing up. Today was Gage's meet the teacher at school. How sweet and sad is that! I have been reading all the packets of paperwork they have given us, done the shopping for clothes and size appropriate backpacks, sent in the payment and bam! The time has come. So, with Jillian snug at home with Grandma, Dave and I took Gage to meet the teachers.

We had to take a family photo with us, here it is:

Here is another cute one...

I didn't get any pictures at meet the teacher. I would have totally been that mom, you know, the one who looks like a tourist because she is taking pictures of every third step her child takes, but I forgot my camera. Once inside the new wing for the 2 and 3 year olds...mighty fun!, we went to his classroom where we were greeted by his teachers Ms. Paige and Ms. Jenny. They both seem so happy. And isn't that the greatest description of a teachers. They seemed happy to be on the floor, happy with the kids, happy with the parents, just happy!

Gage started to get anxious as we neared the classroom. I am sure he was anticipating the departure of the parental unit, similar to when I leave him at church or at the gym child area (from which he graciously required me to exit my training session because he decided he "want to go home"). However, mom and dad were by his side the entire time. Not goodbyes, only hellos! He clung to my leg for about 1 minute before he realized there were way cool toys in there. We met other parents and kids who will be in his class. All seem great! I can't wait for my little Mister to start building those friendships.

I signed up for the multicultural snack, the relative read and the parent volunteer days, all of which I wrote on my hand, which have been washed about 100x since then. Did I write them down on a piece of paper first, NO! I hope they send out reminders! I need to invest in a planner.

School starts on Tuesday, Sept 2nd (2 days before my 28th birthday!). I will take all kinds of crazy pictures then. Until then I will leave you with this lovely picture of Gage trying to hug (tackle) Jillian. She is going to have to be a tough girl!

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Kim said...

What a beautiful family pic :-) You guys look awesome! Gage is going to do great at school and have so much fun. I am glad his teachers are happy!! I'll look forward to your post on Tuesday so that I can read all about his big day!! XOXO

Jill said...

What a cute family and cute, cute kiddos! So glad you like Gage's teachers - that is a huge relief to a momma! Okay, so we have the same birthday - just one year apart!!