Friday, August 22, 2008

am I to old for a tutu?

Ha! That post title makes me laugh. I have always been a lover of dance. I just got out of practice. I took dance classes as a child and even hip hop classes in college...but just a few. I just got done watching Step Up. It was a good movie, which got me thinking. Why don't I start taking dance classes again? I mean, I love to go out dancing with my neighbor friends (and most of all my you Gina). We even went out last night to our local dancing establishment, from which I am still recovering...

At the end of the movie, the questions is asked, are you living your life? Well, I am, but am I doing something just for me? Kind of would be my answer, but maybe there could be more. Who knows! I googled adult dance classes in my town and found a place 2.6 miles from my house that has adult classes. How great is that! I will call tomorrow.

So, my question remains, am I to old for a tutu?

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Kim said...

Never too old, darling!!! Follow your heart and your feet will catch up :-)

Melody Slaton said...

I wish we lived closer because I would SO take a dance class with you. I think I need that outlet.

charlywally said...

Ya know, I actually have been saying this a lot in the last couple weeks, i need to stop saying i can't and i don't.
I am going to start saying yes i will.
and i just saw a preview for a new jim carey movie, yes man.
it reminds us, just to live and say yes, you never know what you will find to enhance your life!

Kasey said...

Live it up, momma!

jessicawhitfield said...

yopu should totally do it. sounds like fun.