Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back to School Shopping

Well, Gage isn't really going back to school, but he is starting school. How fun is that! I can't wait. I think he is really going to enjoy it. He will only be going on Tuesday/Thursday from 12-2:30, but the preschool is great and he will increase his brain power. So, in leau of going to school, I did some serious shopping at the Children's Place. That is my favorite store for boy and girl clothes. Here are some of my favorite things!

These are Jillian's...I LOVE this hat!!!

Here are Gage's! Very educational shirts don't you think!

Then I ran into Journey Kidz and bought these totally awesome shoes! Love it!

Of course I had to get me something. I mean, I am going to have to drop Gage off at school. And, lets be honest, I don't want to wear my stretchy pants all the time. So I bought these from Gap. They are great because the back pocket is low, which makes your butt look perky! Love it! They are at my sweet alterations lady because they were made for giants, but I will get them soon!

Happy Shopping!

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Kristen said...

You are a funny girl, lil' Linsey!

Kim said...

Too cute! You and your babes are going to be super stylish :-)

Kasey said...

You crack me up....

jessicawhitfield said...

very cute. loved the gap jeans too!