Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jillian's Clothes

I have good news and I have bad news.  First, I am a googling maniac and awesome.  Put those two together, and you get answers (and tickets to the Twilight movie premiere in LA).

You can get the info from Jillian's dress at her final rose ceremony here.
Bad news, they aren't selling it anymore, but there is always EBay.

I am still unable to find the purple dress that Jillian wore, the one with the dangerously low, open back.  If you find it, go ahead and buy it for me in a size 4!  Luv ya! 

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

After The Final Rose...Part 2

So here's the deal.  I am over this season.  I feel bad for Melissa.  I think she is super sweet and I wish her the best.  I think Jason, like every man and woman, has the right to not be into you.  Better to tell her than to sting her along and delay her chances of healing and finding herself again.  It is reality tv.  There isn't a really great way to break someone's heart, especially when it is all played out on tv.  I think Jason and Molly will be really happy together.  I hope they take things slow, but am sure they will be fine.

How are you guys handling all this?  What are your thoughts now after having some time for it to sink in and to see the second after the rose?

Oh, and have you noticed how I have changed the music up more this week.  I am trying to keep it with the mood of the show.  The Rascal Flatts and Robin Thicke songs are for Molly and Jason, but the Over It song is on Melissa's behalf!

Now, the next Bachelorette...

YEA!!!  ABC has redeemed themselves.  Jillian is the new Bachelorette!  Double YEA!!!!  LOVE HER!  So yes, I will be back to watch the Bachelorette.  But as for the Bachelor...I'm done-zo!

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Monday, March 2, 2009

The Final Bachelor...I'm Nervous!

Ok.  I can't write in detail about the bachelor.  Why?  Because me and CDS were supposed to watch the bachelor, but we got to talking.  Talking.  Talking.  Talking.  So, here it is, 11:45pm and I didn't really watch the bachelor.  I did however, watch the After the Rose. 

How could Jason do that to Melissa?  Did it seem to staged?  Do you empathize with Jason?  What did you think of Molly's reaction?

Jenn...I totally agree with your comment on the previous post.  How could he do that?  Let me know what ya'll thought.  I am too mad to blog about it.  

Jason, if I knew where you lived I would totally wrap your house...JERK!

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