Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Bachelorette #...oh, who's counting any more

Whoa, it is late and there are lots of ladies here!

This one will be a bit different. I am not going to post a summary but an opinion only blog. Hope you still enjoy.

Jillian's squeal counter: #1: running to Kiptyn, #2: running to see Kiptyn the night of their date, #3: When she was about to take a bit of escargot, #4: Running to see Reid, #5: When she saw Reid on the night of their date, #6: Hugging Ed (I thought she was going to reunite with Ed with a squeal, but nope, she waited for the hug, a sign? We will see...) #7: On the bike with Douche Bag (Wes will no longer be referred to as Wes, but Douche Bag, or DB)
7 Total Squeals

Kitpyn's Date:
Their date bored me. Kiptyn is just missing something. And, what in the world, I must be nieve, but can't you have an overnight date without having sex. Overnight dates are their only time without the cameras. Why can't you just talk and hang out? No sex required, right ABC?

I don't think Kitypn is as into her as she is into him.

Reid's Date:
"Soy Grande"...Reid's spanish. He must think very "big" of himself...
"Look at where her hand is??? She's trying to find his snake"...Thanks for that observation Mrs. S!

They are so cute. I loved his eye contact and they are just cute together. It was awkward when Reid was talking about why he thinks they work. He seemed to be rambling and reaching for things to make her happy with his answer. When the overnight card comes, he leaves the answer to her. She, again, turns him down. It feels like she said the same thing to Reid that she did to Kitpyn. Poor Reid, he was gentlemanly with the situation, but you could tell he wanted to take the overnight together.

I like Reid and I like Reid for her.

Ed's Date:
His date contained the least about of squeals. Is this a good/bad sign, I don't know. I thought their date started off on the boring side, but I liked seeing Ed's fun side. He didn't have good eye contact, well, actually, neither of them had good eye contact with each other. She gave him the same speech regarding the overnight date. I love his response to her overnight date shutdown. He said he just wanted more time with her...sweet! Her response...She is going to use it to get to know him more. What in the world? Double standard? Why couldn't she "Get to know" the other guys too?

They seemed to have some sweet moments during their overnight time. Sweet times...
"You are my favorite part of Spain"...Ed...ahhhhhh

I would love to type out his whole little speech about Spain and his music and his Spanish followers...BARF!!!!

"Tell me how sexy I look Baby, feed my ego"...DB
"Relationships are all about bendin, and nothin can break if it can bend"...DB
"Let's just say, hypothetically, you were to move to Canada, what would you say?...Jillian; response..."That would be crazy"...DB

Their date caused many involuntary mouth vomits. He is so gross. I am glad that Jillian is seeing the awkwardness and I am glad that DB is acting so awkward. I was so glad to hear Jillian call him out on how the show will benefit his music career. She also called him out on his lack of affection. I'm proud of Jillian during this date. It is about dang time for her to get some cajones and stand up for herself.

Oh, he just said, "I mean, ah, ah, ah, I'm not here to hurt you, but I'm going to be true to myself, and Numero Uno is most important here."

"Um, I think we should"...his response to the fantasy suite...DB!!!!!!!

Yay! Jillian finally stood up for herself and opened her eyes regarding his crap.

I was disappointed with ABC's teaser drama. There is enough drama in this season without them editing the crap out of the show and make us, the loyal viewers, think there is MORE drama than there already is. ABC, give us moms' a break.

I dropped my jaw at the Rose ceremony when DB said, "If it's me, you boys know I'll be back home having lots of sex."...DB


Ed, so sweet, think he will be in the final 2
Reid, think he will also be in the final 2

Yay! Yay! Wes is gone, the wicked Wes is gone! (sing with the wizard of oz, the witch is dead...)

His stupid interview in the limo. His girlfriend should be ashamed of herself for being with a guy like that. I am scared for girls that there are guys like that out there. Single girls beware. Yikes.

Jillian, we are proud of you.

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Monday, June 29, 2009

The Bachelorette #8...Lots of girls here for this one!

My couch is full, as well as my tummy, and we are ready for the show!

Philadelphia, PA: Reid
Their date went so sweetly. Reid seems so into her and his family seemed to approve of her. Did it frighten you that the brothers said they think he is still single because of commitment issues?

Valencia, CA: Michael
Quick impressions: His mom is too sweet. Love the twin switch...didn't work!!! Loved Jillian picked that out right away. Sweet!!! His dad seems like a really awesome, down to earth, realistic guy. Loved how the brother said they want to be young husbands to have time with their wives and be young fathers.

His dad asked her to tell 3 things about yourself that you are most proud of: Jillian said, "Laugh at pretty much everything. I Love to see good in everybody. My energy or work ethic."
Nice kiss at the end. I think Jillian's commitment to him grew after meeting his family.

San Diego, CA: Kiptyn
(side note: Jillian...Please stop squealing.)
LOVE the hot tub joke! Was a little nervous with the food/wine test. His sister is in love with the black...black hair, black shirt, black nails.

Quote of the night: Kiptyn's sister, "GET HER PREGNANT!"

First, Kiptyn seems so much more laid back than the rest of his family. His mom really grilled her about working for your happiness and making your marriage work no matter what. Also, his sister seemed hesitant about Kiptyn and her.

What was up with the hot tub swimming with the mother watching. Odd.

Carmel, CA: Jesse
(Do all these scenes from Cali make you want to move out there?)
What's up with burly man brother? Seems like a jerk if you ask me!

When the mom and Jillian were talking, the mom seemed like a counselor. I am just not feeling this family. There seems to be tension. Even Jesse and Jillian seem distant.

Whoa, the dancing and band playing seems out of left field. They seemed like they were way more laid back. We all think he will be going home.

Austin, TX: Wes
She saved the worst for last. I really hope that she figures him out already. What a douche. Upon her arrival he didn't ask her how she was doing or anything, he starts with the fact that he is introducing her to his other family...his band. Uggg. Jillian is just the giddy little girl watching him sing, and yea, he is good, but seriously, get off the show. And please people, don't buy his music.

Jake is back. He wants to tell her that Wes has a girlfriend. He is a little hesitant to share this, so Wes called Tanner...that was a weird person to call.

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth...Wes is such a pile of dog poo. Someone needs to kick him in the nuts. Jake, finish him off!...or as S said, "Put on your shit kickers and your nut huggers and take care of him."

When Jake came into the picture...Awkward! "Wes has a girlfriend. Her name is Laurel" Jillian is immediately in tears. Oh her poor little face. I love Jake.

Ok, now Wes is in Jillian's room. She asked him if there was anything he needed to tell her. He immediately gets defensive. Not a good technique. He is such a weasel. Poor Jillian.

Man, when Jake walked in to the room, he was ready to lay Wes out. Wes is one sly dog. If Jillian can't see through Wes' sneaky behavior, she is crazy. But man, Jake seems like such a stand up guy. And the tears. Oh my goodness, why is he not still on the show?

And she goes to meet his parents. I'm done with him.

And the show keeps on going. Now ED IS BACK. Holy Moly! She really likes him. Whoa...

I think he said a key word for Jillian, re prioritize. I really like him a lot. He seems really genuine and I like that he knew he messed up. Yea for Ed. I'm glad that she is letting him come to the rose ceremony.

Rose Ceremony:
We think Jesse and Michael are going home. Let's see if we are right.
(Side Note: Did you guys feel the tension when Ed walked into the rose ceremony? I actually felt bad for him.)

Poor Michael and Jesse. Oh I hated seeing Michael hug her goodbye. His fair well taping, heartfelt and a tear jerker.

Next week, Spain. Maybe Wes will get crushed by a bull.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

The Bachelorette #6

Michael wants a little "smoochie smooch" hoping to get a private car with Jillian. But she misses Ed. Sorry Michael, probably won't happen! Who gets the date????..... Robby!!! Yay..... Stace likes him the best!!!
Thanks Stacey for those words! I am in a bit of a grumpy mood tonight, so tonight's post may be a little different than normal. Bear with me!
Robby's Date:
Their date seemed a little odd. Jillian said that she doesn't need to know if he is ready to settle down, but she needs to know if he wants a family. Don't you need to settle down before you start the family? Then, Robby said that he has everything he needs to be successful, but he is in-between jobs. Is that a bit of kilter for ya'll?

Uh-oh, the train is stopping. I think he is about to get kicked off the train. Jump and roll, Robby, jump and roll. She is giving him the boot. Bye-bye Robby. Poor guy. What a way to go. And I thought I was having a grumpy day. He just had to watch the train with Jillian go away with all the other bachelors waving at him from inside.

Were you surprised by Michael's response to Robby going?

"If there was anyone here with a hidden agenda, it would be me. I just finished working on an album...I have nothing to loose and everything to gain."...douche bag Wes
I really think that Wes is a plant. Like a bug in the system thrown there by ABC to stir up some controversy.
"The fame I get from this, it is almost like I taste it, like I eat it...I'm getting excited, this is fun right here. I'll always have JIllian wrapped around my little finger." Seriously? He is either totally wasted or a plant. ABC, you guys are so obvious.

Group Date: Tanner, Wes, Michael, Jesse, Jake, Kiptyn
I like Michael. Tanner needs to get over his foot obsession.
(Side Note: I love that Reid was asking the train staff about what he should do for his date with Jillian. Oh, and Stace says she likes his mouth...Yummy!)
She is having some one on one time with Jake. I like him. I like that she is looking past his perfection and giving him a shot. They are so cute together.
Kiptyn was the first guy with enough guts (and good timing) to kiss her! She seems to have a stronger thing with Kiptyn than a lot of the other guys.
I think Tanner is gay. To pull down your britches in front of a bunch of dudes and one chick, gay.
"I just don't want to see somebody's package yet" Good girl Jillian.
Does he travel with foot rub stuff? He freaks us all out. If you don't think so, this should help you...
"Now that I felt how soft her feet are, I want her to meet my family. I want the rose." He is either a hardcore freak or ABC planted him too. This season seems way less "real" than any other.
Jesse is starting to stand out more to me. I don't know why he didn't before, but he seems like a genuine guy who is really into her. Plus, he looks like a good kisser!
Yay! Michael is so sweet. Are you guys not just loving this more emotional side? We already know he is super funny and fun and enjoyable. There is an awkwardness between them, but he seems like a sweet guy. I don't know if he is right for Jillian, but I like him.
(Side Note: are any of the guys standing out, in a good way, for Jillian? I don't think so.)

Oh, the crap is about to hit the fan. Tanner just admitted to telling Jillian about how one of the guys had a girlfriend. Now Wes is opening his big planter mouth to everyone about his agenda for getting on the show. Why aren't all the guys kicking his A$$ right now? Hello, someone pull out the Kung Fu Panda moves and take him out!!!!!

Kiptyn got the rose.

Ok. Jillian just listened to Jake spill his heart about how much he likes/loves her. The odd part was when he hugged her. It was weird because of the look in her eyes, which were open. It seemed like a goodbye hug. Hmmmm...Thoughts?

We like Reid. Finally, a guy who stands out!

Rose Ceremony
Kitpyn and Reid already have roses

Overview: Reid really stuck out in this episode. I like him for her a whole lot! I am still really annoyed that Wes is still there. Why aren't the guys telling her? Tanner, why wouldn't you tell her that? It is just plain annoying now. I don't really like any of the other guys for her, well, maybe Jesse. What do ya'll think of the guys who are left and who is good for her?

I like Reid the most!..... Side note.... Stacey's thoughts! "That's what you get for having me proof your sh*t!!!

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Monday, June 15, 2009

The Bachelorette #5

Another girls night at mi casa!

This episode is full of drama. We better find out who has a girlfriend.

3 dates: 2 1-on-1 dates and 1 group date

Date #1: Michael
"Oh my awesomeness"...Michael.
Their date started off fun with the zip-lining and some fun conversation but then moved to dinner where the seriousness was brought out. Jillian asked him why he signed up for the show. He opened up about his breakup and closing down the romantic side of his life. He really seems to be a sweet guy, but I just wonder if he is mature enough for Jillian. Silly is fun but it only lasts so long. I was impressed with him on this date. I think he stepped up the serious. Obviously...he got the rose!

We were all wondering why it took him so long to kiss her. It was so sweet though, he kissed her on the side of the mouth! Overall...good date!

"Burgundy makes you think of silly thoughts. Bordeaux makes you talk about them. Champagne makes you do them!"

Date #2: Tanner, Ed, Wes, Kiptyn, Jesse, Robby, Jake, Reid, Mark

Although this date started off fun on the snow mobiles, it was Jillian's mission to get more info about the guys with alleged girlfriends. First she interrogated Robby. (ok, they had sweet talk too.) Next up was Tanner, the snitch. WHY IS HE NOT TELLING HER WHO HAS A GIRLFRIEND. Grrr. If you are going to be a snitch, be a snitch, not a pansy.

Uggg, Wes is now sitting with Jillian. I just threw up a little in my mouth...Wes is talking about his cd. Yuck! Jillian is so wrapped up in him. He might be a good guy, but it is not coming off on the show. He is pimping himself out on the this show to promote his career. I have to say, they had a good kiss. I think I saw some snow melt underneath them!

Kiptyn was next up, after everyone had some shots on the ice bar, to have alone time with Jillian. Nice for him it started with her asking him to touch her butt. He's lovin it! Some of the ladies think he is the one with the girlfriend. I just love how Jillian smiles when she is with him. He is so affectionate with her. It melts your heart.

Reid and Jillian just don't seem to have it.

Ed. Oh Ed. Should he stay or should he go now? If he stays it could be trouble, if he goes it could be double...ok, sorry, I got that song in my head. His job needs him OR ELSE...! Jillian just gave him the rose. She must really like him. That is going to be hard for him!

Side thought: Is the drama of Jillian crying in the elevator going to be because Ed decided he needed to leave and not be because someone has a girlfriend? Hmm...I'll have to wait and see.

Side thought #2: Paps, you still reading this far into it? Love that you read my blog!

Date #3: Jesse
I'm not into the beginning of Jesse's date, nor am I really feeling Jesse anymore.

Quote of the night: "You have like that quality of your voice...someone could listen to you, and lets say you have your own radio or talk show, and put someone to sleep...you have that sweet sexy quality voice."...Jesse

He got the rose. Whatever. I'm over him.
Ok, Jesse's date is over. Now Ed is pacing around. I am so pissed that ABC played up the scene of Jillian crying to be that one of the guys had a girlfriend. Hello! It was because Ed had a job....
On to their conversation. So sad for Jillian. Did you see her bite her lip to hold back tears? So sad. I feel bad for Ed too, but seriously, can he not work from there? Poor thing.
Jillian, in the words of Greg Behrendt, He's Just Not That Into You. The girls here think he might come back. I don't think he is into her, but they think he is a stoic man who really likes her but can't show how much he cares. Whatever. Not into her...NEXT!

The Rose Ceremony:
She is skipping the cocktail party and going straight to the roses. We all think Tanner is getting the boot (haha get it, the boot, and he loves feet!)

Michael and Jesse already have roses.
Jake (surprised she picked him before Wes)
Tanner (there are a lot of WTF going on in my house) I cannot believe she picked him!!!
Wes (we thought she might let Wes go. She made it seem like it was really hard to let Mark go.)

Like the music, eh?

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Friday, June 12, 2009

The Garden

Before Christmas, my brother Dennis built me a beautiful garden.  The things we planted, swiss chard, rosemary, onions, carrots have grown great.  Now it is time to plant new stuff.  Here is the garden!

Every afternoon we go water our new seeds and old plants.  This was the clothing choice o' the day!
So happy so see things growing!
Other view of the garden.
You can kind of see the cilantro growing.
This is either tomatoes or okra.
Ok, this is either the okra or tomatoes.  I can't remember where I planted what.  Guess it will be a surprise!
Gage and I planted 2 pumpkin seeds.  We also planted 3 corn seeds, which are growing, but I forgot to take a picture of them....poor corn.  

That's it!  

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Bachelorette...#3...Bring it on!

Love having my girls bachelorette watching party!  Love you girls!

Surprise...the guys head to Vancouver, BC, Jillian's hometown.  

Date #1: 1-on-1: Kiptyn
Ok, so they ran to meet each other and totally had an awkward peck kiss.  She does seems super excited to see him though.  They will be kayaking to an open market.  She wanted to race and did you hear her squeaking while rowing?  It was really sweet seeing them shop together, that is something a girl wants...someone to share the daily activities with.  

Sidenote: not a fan of Kiptyn's shoes.  

After shopping at the market they went "home", don't know if it was really her house, and made dinner.  I loved how Jillian was a control freak in the kitchen...totally like me.  You want help, but when someone starts helping in a different way than you want it...Yikes!  That is where the wine comes in!

Their conversation together was sweet.  I just am not sure if I am sold on Kiptyn anymore.  I think he seems a little nerdy, corky, I don't know.  What do you think?  Of course, the talking was followed by kissing.  Seemed a little awkward, like he wanted to jump down her throat and she wanted to look cute!  All the ladies on my couch agree that their kissing is just weird, but that she really likes him.  

And the rose goes to...drum roll please...Kiptyn.  

Group Date: Tanner, Jake, Robby, Wes, Ed, Michael, Reid, Juan, David
This date starts at a curling place.  Hello, Michael, the break dancer, was so funny.  The evening progresses where the guys get into 2 teams to compete in the curling.  The losing team will head back to the hotel room, the winning team gets the date.    I totally want Michael's team to win because he is just so sweet...lots of hugging sweet words.  The girls think he is just a friend.  

Douche Bag quote of the night: "Curling is about flexibility, balance and touch, and I've got all of them."...Juan

Winning team: Robby, David, Jesse, Jake, Juan, goes on a historic boat for dinner.  Did Jillian really wear Michael Jackson gloves on the boat, and please, Jesse, loose the hat!

Jake and Jillian had the first one on one conversation.  We think that he looks like a blond Tom Cruise, but way cuter.  He really is the sweet, nice guy.  Seriously, are we supposed to feel bad for Jake while he is complaining about being too perfect?  

Next, Jillian has one on one time with Jesse, on a bed.  They had another awkward kiss.  Was he holding his breathe?  All these kisses are just weird.  

Oh man, now David has time with Jillian.  She is looking a little toasted.  He is currently talking about her "a$$"...AWKWARD!!  This is totally a train wreck, he is talking about her tata hanging out.  Oh man, he went in for a kiss and she gave him the cheek.  He did not like that and let her know.  Thank goodness Jillian sees his disrespectfulness.  He is going home!

Douche Bag quote #2: "Why the hell wouldn't you kiss me after you hear the word $%^#"...David

After the totally awkward conversation, where Jillian seems totally frazzled from her chat with David, she brings out the rose.  The rose goes to......Jesse.

Date #3: 2-on-1: Mike and Mark
Nice, this date scene shows the guys getting ready, could have lived my life without seeing Mark in his boxers... ewe no butt.  When the guys see Jillian, Mike runs to greet her and Mark stays back like a stray little puppy.  They get to go on helicopter ride...get ready, I have a lot to say about this little trip.  First, Mark didn't let Jillian in the helicopter and neither did Mike.  Jillian sat on one side, which meant only Mike was the only one getting to sit next to Jillian.  Then, Jillian was holding Mike's thumb, not his hand, his thumb.  Seriously, Mark is so stoned, like eternally stoned.  He is going home.  

I am really not into listening to their one on one conversation.  I am just sick of hearing the guys try to "win" and tell her all the things she wants to hear.  It just seems fake and annoying.  

The rose goes too...Mark.  Stace totally called that one because Mark was talking about how he got his heart broken and Jillian totally falls for that!

Rose Ceremony:  Loved Jillian's dress!  Ok, Wes is creepy.  Jillian seems to really like him, but I am pretty sure he is going to be the one that has the girlfriend.  Jakes alone time with him was sweet, but a little weird.  I am glad that he talked to her about her comment regarding him being himself.  

Tanner is having one on one time with Jillian...ahhhhhh...he is the one that will tell him who is a dirt bag!  Name names Tanner!  This conversation really messed Jillian's mood up.  She told the guys that the cocktail party is over and that the rose ceremony is about to begin.  

Chris and Jillian are chatting:  Jillian's heart is broken about the douche bags in the house.  If the guys really do have girlfriends, then ABC needs to take some money out of Jillian's bikini budget and do some background checks on the guys and investigate them a little further. 

Jillian confronts the guys.  The guys look like high school students who cheated on a test.  Holy Moly guys!  Just say who has a girlfriend.  Oh, Tanner just got really mad.  We think David has the girlfriend.  He seems to be backpedaling a lot!  Tanner is so mad that Juan is looking at him.  This whole scene is just weird!  

The roses go too...
Kiptyn, Jesse and Mark already have roses
Tanner...WHAT??  At least he didn't have the foot thing going this episode!

David and Juan are going home...thank goodness!  Poor, poor clueless little David.  He just needs to watch the show and see how he comes off to other people.  

Ok, our Bachelor look-a-likes:
Ed: Denny Duquet (gray's anatomy)
Mark: Ray from 90210...you remember, Donna's boyfriend
Jake: Blond Tom Cruise
Wes: Collin, the cocaine addicted painter from 90210...Kelly's old bf!
Michael: buzzed-head kid from A Few Good Men...anyone know the name?

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Beefaroni Dinner=Bath

Gage didn't get into it as much as Jillian, but he was still happy...and wet from his daily garden watering session.  

Let the mess begin...
Oh she is so happy being so messy...

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Another day, more outdoor play

Here are some pictures of the kids playing outside.  Gage was killing the bugs and apparently, from on of the pictures, Gage saw one on his sister's head.  Nice!  Enjoy!

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Monday, June 1, 2009

The Bachelorette #3

Another Bachelorette watching party!  YAY!

This episode will include 3 dates; 2 1-on-1 dates and 1 group date.

Date #1: Ed
Their dates begins with a helicopter ride along the coast and ending on the top of a building.  That's when she smacks him with the adventure...zip-lining down the building.  He handled it well, didn't pee his pants and, of course, they had to get into their bathing suits and swim.  

Oh, seriously, they have an underwater camera?  That is just poor form.  Kissing was happening.  After the kissing and underwater camera they went to the top of a hotel for dinner.  
Jillian,"I love that I popped your helicopter cherry!"  Tasteful.

Ed seemed like a nice guy.  I kind of liked the way that he didn't feel so comfortable opening up to Jillian.  You could tell that he was nervous.  It was just so sweet how he was holding her hand and telling her his feelings about family...then that kiss...oh, he seems like a nice guy.

And he gets the rose, with lots of sweet words to go along with it.

Ok, I just have to throw this out there, why do they not show any video from the guys living in the house?  That is what I want to see.

Date #2: Reid, Wes, Mike, Michael, Tanner F, Mark, Brad, Robby, Tanner P, Kiptyn, Juan
So this date was weird.  The guys dressed up in odd western clothing.  What did ya'll think of Tanner's leopard print vest?!?  How funny is it that there was a gay cowboy scene?  Oh man, these guys are not going to win any awards for their acting skills.  Brad and Jillian's kiss...nerdy.  I loved how Brad reinacted it.  He is so funny!  
"That was the worst kiss I've seen since 1988"

Robby perhaps had the best kiss, he was so sweet.  

Ok, Wes just pulled her away to tell her that he felt like she kind of cheated and that he wants to start weeding these other guys out.  Cheesy, he kissed her on the cheek.  

Here is the gay cowboy scene between ...it was so funny.  They were great sports!

After the acting, they went to a wrap party.  Here are my quick thoughts...I like Reid.  He seemed like a really nice guy, genuine.  Juan, not so much.  Not a fan.  Tanner, and the hot tub, rubbing her feet on his face...dude, he needs to go already.  Robby seems like a super sweet guy.  Ok, she brings the rose into the hot tub, where is she going to pin it?  Ahhh, Robby got the rose.  He seems like such a sweetheart.  

Date #3: Sasha
Ok, I seriously love Jillian's denim romper.  I am totally not into this date.  We had to rewind the tv 3 times to hear the story about his accident.  I feel bad for him, but just not into it.  What is with all the guys not getting their hearts broken.  Odd.  

3 out of 3 girls don't think he will get a rose.  Jillian says...NO ROSE.

Oh great, Wes is singing...the girls like it...I'm NOT a Wes fan.  I love Tanner making fun of them.  OH MY GOSH, do ya'll think Wes playing the guitar for Jillian was sweet or staged.  I just don't know.  His face looked genuine.  You have to let me know what you think of Wes.  I just don't think it is there.  Why did he play the same song again?  That is just weird.  One hit wonder?

Rose Ceremony:  David is letting her know a little more about him.  I don't know if I am scared of him or if this situation is bringing out the worst in him.  Then Juan interrupts their one on one time.  I just don't know who I like least.  

"I'm not her for an agenda, I'm her to suck on some toes and I'm here to meet some Jillian.  I mean, I totally love feet, but I want to get to know Jillian before i get to know feet."
"It was like ealkdfjoweiht...I want to suck on these toes...(insert suckling action here)...Those are beautiful feet.  I want to kiss em, suck em, touch em, rub em, feel em, tweeze em."

David is about to explode...Dun Dun Dun...commercial break!  It is really hard to focus on her one on one time with the other guys because I am waiting for David to explode.  I do, however, have an easy time focusing on Kiptyn.  

David's quote of the night, "Stop being a cheese-ass and go home."

Total shocker, Robby just said to Juan, "I agree 100% with what Dave said, but we will talk about this later!"  I would totally take Robby's impression of Juan more seriously than I would of David's.  Hmmmm...

Ed and Robby already have roses.
Tanner P...Jillian, get the foot dude off there!

Poor Brad.  Poor little Brad.


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Friday, May 29, 2009

Bachelorette #2

Sorry, I know it is late.  I will be better.  Had a great, but busy week and haven't had a chance to watch the show yet.  Oh, I just finished the Jon and Kate Plus 8 season premiere.  Do any of ya'll watch that show?  I have been keeping up with it since it started and it just breaks my heart.   When Kate was saying that parents of multiples have a way higher divorce rate and she wanted to beat those odds...tear...

Ok, now on to the Bachelorette!!!

Shocker...they open the episode with Jillian in a bikini.  I think this is a sight we need to get used too.  The men were introduced to their mansion...aka a bunk house.  I love that they do this to the guys.  Keeps it real.  There will be 2 group dates and 1 individual date.  On each date there will be a rose, if you get it the guys gets to move into the mansion with Jillian.  If the guy on the 1-0n-1 date doesn't get a rose, he goes home.  

Group Date #1: Michael, Brian, Brad, Sasha, Tanner P., Wes, Ed, Mathaeu 
The date starts at the pool.  Her first 1-0n-1 time was with Michael.  He just seems weird and girlie.  She totally left him in her room, mid-conversation to go downstairs to get the rose.  Tricky tricky girl...she leaves the mansion.  The whole time, Michael is waiting around like Rapunzel....Enter Mike Harris!  This date is finally getting fun.  Give the guys a competition. The guys pair up and jump into a mini coup.  They had to go through a bucket full of keys to open a lockbox to get their car key.  

I have to admit that I like Brian, the IT guy from Atlanta.  I am not a fan of the Tanner/Michael car.  They should get pulled over.  The car most likely to kill each other, Brad (love his tattoos!) and Wes.  The thing about this date, she is wasting all this time getting to know the guys by making them drive all over LA.  I have driven in LA and the traffic is horrible.  It is a big city.  I wonder how long this all took.  OMG...I just saw one of the guys wearing cowboy boots with his bathing suit!  So far the adventure has taken them to a kitchen where they changed in to tux, a jewelry store where they picked out a necklace, and finally to a bank vault where Jillian will be locked inside with her winner!  That makes me tired just thinking about!   

Ha!  The team I thought would kill each other, and were in last place most of the time, was the winner...Brad and Wes (the musician from Austin).  

Wes won!  Oh, the necklace Brad picked was my least favorite.  The necklace Wes wanted, the one with the balls, would have gone perfect with her dress!  I don't like Wes for Jillian.  There is something about him when he is talking to her that I just don't like.  Hmmm.  What do you think?  The clentcher for the loosing guys, the guys that lost got to watch the date on tv.  Wes got a rose and now he gets to move into the mansion.  

1-0n-1: Jake the commercial pilot from Dallas...I LOVE HIM!!!!  
Jillian picks him up wearing this fun strapless, short black fringe dress and red knee-high boots.  She looked so cute!  She takes Jake to a western store to get him a new outfit.  I like them, they seem so cute and fun together.  Awww, he just said, "Oh boy, I am gonna fall for this girl!"  Sweet!

After they get Jake a totally country shirt, they go to the House of Blues where Jillian pours them a drink and then dances on the bar!  He can dance too!  He is two-stepin with her!  This guys is great.  If she doesn't pick him in the end I might have to punch her in the face!  They are having great conversation and he totally just planted a nice kiss on her lips in mid-sentence.  Don't you just want a guy to do that?  To be so eager to kiss you that he can't stop himself...ahhh, how nice it must be to be Jillian!

Final surprise: Martina McBride.  They danced and giggled and in the end, he got the rose!  Oh man, they look like they are very kissing-compatible!  

Group Date #2: Jesse, Mark, David, Mike, Simon, Kiptyn, Juan
This date, according to Jillian, is for the boys.  They will be playing basketball with the Harlem Globe Trotters.  David, Mr. I-can't-get-the-words-out-of-my-mouth-when-I-first-met-you, seems like he lost his stutter and is a bit of a cocky-pants.  Oh, and what about Juan, who totally picked her up to let her dunk and then dropped her on her face!  Gentle butterfly my butt.  

Out come the HGT!  Man, they are good and they are tall!  And they know how to shake it!  I think it would be fun to go see them.  Hello...the HGT guy picked Jillian up and let her hang on the rim, then they left.  The bachelors just stood there, until Juan had to come redeem himself to get her down.  The HGT picked David to have some one on one time with her.  Man, he has tattoos too, nice!  

...Mike, just put on a speedo and jumped in the ocean...I am feeling like this date is lasting forever.  Now they are back at the house, or somewhere where they are taking shots.  Man, the guys do NOT like Juan.  I don't think I am a big fan of Juan either.  Now on to Kiptyn, never had his heart broken?  Interesting...  And then they kiss.  A lot.  Juan get the rose on this date for his speedo in the ocean adventure.

No Date:  Julien, Robby the bartender from TX, Reid, and Tanner

Rose Ceremony:  Jillian totally picked up on Tanner's foot fetish.  Uggg, I don't like Wes anymore.  Robby, one of the guys who didn't get a date, was having one on one time with Jillian and Wes, who already had a rose busted in on his time.  Jerk.  And are you guys picking up on how much aggression David has with all the guys?

The twist, thanks ABC, is that the guys get to vote for one guy to leave the house.  Remember when they did this last season to that girl who was kind of a potty mouth, well, she got a rose instead of getting kicked out.  Man, the guys are acting like sissies.  Suck it up and write down some dudes name.  

Juan was voted to get kicked out of the house.  BUT, totally stupid, Jillian can save him by giving him a rose.  Why did they even vote?  Of course she gave him a rose.  Whatever.

Wes, Jake Mike and Juan already got roses.
Tanner P...SERIOUSLY?  Jillian, what are you thinking?

Going home: Simon, Julien, Brian, and Mathue (ahhh, he was getting teary.  Maybe he is on steroids. No, just kidding, he seems like a teddy bear under that tough, muscly body.)

So, here are my questions for you.  
Is David aggression just a guy thing or is it too much?
Do you think Wes is there for the wrong reasons and did ya'll pick up on his weird vibe when he talks to Jillian?
What do you make of Kiptyn saying he has never gotten his heart broken?

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jillian's Clothes

Go here and check out where Jillian gets all her clothes...they did their research!

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yay! The Bachelorette...#1

I am so excited to watch this show right now.  I was going to have my infamous bachelorette watching party, however, the lovely weather has proven to be quite the opposite on my sinus'.  Allergy season is upon us in this great state!

As with previous season, I will not be blogging in detail for the first few shows.  There are just to many men, and as a single mom, I don't want to spend all my free time after the kids go to bed on my laptop.  Also, if you happen to find out where Jillian gets her clothes, send me an email or post a comment.  I know we have a lot of Jillian's Clothes Fanatics out there...let's feed our shopping additions!

I love listening to her describe herself, she said, "I am not drop dead gorgeous, but I'm cute and I have a big heart!"  I could so see myself being friends with her...Jason, eat your heart out!

Ummm, seriously, are they showing her in 15 different bikinis and then washing her car Jessica Simpson style?  Hello, we know she has a hot body.  Let's move on.  

Hello Men!  Yummy!  

Quotes to remember:
"There is a big party of me that is a one woman kind of man"... Michael, the dance instructor
"A jumpsuit, she would love this." (Yikes)...Kyle the Graphic Designer...He also said:
"Why is Jillian going to fall in love with me?  Because I look good.  I smell good.  I make love good."  I think he might stick around for a bit.  I'm interested.
"I'm Greg, but I go by BillBro.  On a scale from zero to BillBro, a perfect 10.  Yea, I said it."...Greg the fitness model
"One thing I am really excited about Jillian is that she is looking for her best friend and that is my philosophy, exactly.  I'm looking to marry my best friend"...Love Him...Jake, the commercial pilot.  

After her one-on-one sit down with Chris where she talked about all things from her quote, "You have to slay a few dragons before you find your prince!", her heartbreak over Jason and her optimism about Mr. Invisible, they bring out the men.

I am not really going to blog about this part, but let me just say that I am going to keep my eye on Kiptyn.  He has me intrigued.  

Men who intrigued me:
Bryan the High School teacher and coach from Dallas
Jake, the Commercial Pilot from Dallas
John the Branding Consultant from Boise
Mathue the personal trainer from Wichita, KS.  He came out with the signed cowboy hat.  Cutie!

Men who are already annoying me:
Brian the IT Consultant from GA who called her "Hot tub Harris".  Dude, bad form. (Ok, during the mix and mingle he called her a "sexy little minx".  Ugggg.  Douche bag!
Julien, he said, "You better not break that girls heart"
Adam, the Olympic cyclist who said he wanted her first 5 mins.
Juan the General Contractor who started speaking Spanish and whose mother wants grand kids.  Too much cheese for me.
Greg, AKA BillBro...he annoys me for many reasons but this on is because he asked her to "hug it out" twice.  

Men I just felt bad for:
David the trucking contractor from Dayton, OHIO.  Poor guy, couldn't get a full sentence out.  He needed a shot or something.  Awkward! (btw, Brian redeemed himself.  He totally lost it when he met her, but he seems like a really nice guy!)
The English dude who talked about his mother's teabags
Josh, the 25 year old lifeguard who looks like he was 40 years old.  Sun is not your friends ladies, spray on tan and sunscreen are your friends.

The 25 men have arrived and met their lady in waiting.  Let the drinks come aplenty and the word vomit begin.  I have to admit, I hate this part.  I hate the rush, the time stealing, the testosterone challenges, and of course the twist.  Chris comes out to let them know that she will not have to choose from 25 Bachelors, he prances out 5 new bachelors for her to add to her collection.  I have to add Tanner to my list of guys who annoy me.  He makes Texas look bad by talking about his foot requirements.  He needs high arches, nice toes.  I think he might be gay.  Ugg, she thinks he is cute.  Jillian, NO!

Rose #1 goes too David from Dayton, the guys who froze up during the first meeting.  
The rest of the roses go too:
Simon (the Englishman with the tea-bags)
Brian D
Tanner F
Final rose goes too...

Until next week, give me your thoughts!

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

What in the World

I can't believe I haven't posted since March.  Yuck.  I'll be uploading some new pictures soon.  Plus, I am totally going to be blogging about The Bachelorette.  Hello, Jillian is the Bachelorette.  Wouldn't miss that if you paid me!  Check back soon for more pictures!

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jillian's Clothes

I have good news and I have bad news.  First, I am a googling maniac and awesome.  Put those two together, and you get answers (and tickets to the Twilight movie premiere in LA).

You can get the info from Jillian's dress at her final rose ceremony here.
Bad news, they aren't selling it anymore, but there is always EBay.

I am still unable to find the purple dress that Jillian wore, the one with the dangerously low, open back.  If you find it, go ahead and buy it for me in a size 4!  Luv ya! 

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

After The Final Rose...Part 2

So here's the deal.  I am over this season.  I feel bad for Melissa.  I think she is super sweet and I wish her the best.  I think Jason, like every man and woman, has the right to not be into you.  Better to tell her than to sting her along and delay her chances of healing and finding herself again.  It is reality tv.  There isn't a really great way to break someone's heart, especially when it is all played out on tv.  I think Jason and Molly will be really happy together.  I hope they take things slow, but am sure they will be fine.

How are you guys handling all this?  What are your thoughts now after having some time for it to sink in and to see the second after the rose?

Oh, and have you noticed how I have changed the music up more this week.  I am trying to keep it with the mood of the show.  The Rascal Flatts and Robin Thicke songs are for Molly and Jason, but the Over It song is on Melissa's behalf!

Now, the next Bachelorette...

YEA!!!  ABC has redeemed themselves.  Jillian is the new Bachelorette!  Double YEA!!!!  LOVE HER!  So yes, I will be back to watch the Bachelorette.  But as for the Bachelor...I'm done-zo!

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Monday, March 2, 2009

The Final Bachelor...I'm Nervous!

Ok.  I can't write in detail about the bachelor.  Why?  Because me and CDS were supposed to watch the bachelor, but we got to talking.  Talking.  Talking.  Talking.  So, here it is, 11:45pm and I didn't really watch the bachelor.  I did however, watch the After the Rose. 

How could Jason do that to Melissa?  Did it seem to staged?  Do you empathize with Jason?  What did you think of Molly's reaction?

Jenn...I totally agree with your comment on the previous post.  How could he do that?  Let me know what ya'll thought.  I am too mad to blog about it.  

Jason, if I knew where you lived I would totally wrap your house...JERK!

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Link for Bachelor Spoilers

I will be blogging about this in a few days, but wanted those of your readers who are dying to know more about Monday's show to get prepared.  Go here if you want a spoiler.  

IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE ENDING OF THE BACHELOR, DO NOT GO TO THAT LINK. There, don't say I didn't warn you.  I will be posting a blog later, so hold on to those comments until then.  Can't wait to hear what you think about all this speculated drama.

Good Grief!

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

PeePee Dance

Today Gage went potty at school, two times! This is a first as he was a little scared of the big potty before. He is doing so good. To celebrate we got a sprite and peepee candy!

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Monday, February 23, 2009

The Bachelor...Women Tell All

I have to admit, this episode was a let down.  Jason was a really good bachelor, therefore, there wasn't a lot of drama and tears and screaming at the reunion.  Sure, that is good for the girls and for Jason, but for the watcher, it was boring.  Plus, how in the world am I supposed to focus on anything else besides next weeks episode.  I really don't know if I can stand waiting for next weeks show.  And, it is going to be 3 hours.  Ya'll that is a lot of tv!  Goodness, if you guys find someone who has a time machine, tell them I need to borrow it so I can watch next weeks show now!

I am really excited to be watching tonight's episode with Kristen P!  Yea!

Jason and Chris are sitting discussing the women:
Jason and Megan.  Oh, they are talking about how surprised Jason was by her kiss on the General Hospital set.  It was so funny how after the GH date all the women were so emotional.  HELLO!!!  You madeout with all of them and expect them to be happy.  McFly, girls don't work that way.  No!
Chris called Jason and Jillian's makeout scene something that cinemax would want.  

Never Before Seen Footage:
Naomi and Jason's date.  Jason's horse gets spooked and he totally pulled a Clint Eastwood and jumped off the horse.  
I loved seeing the General Hospital Date improv scene. Total drama and love that Jason kills himself at the end.  
I was surprised how hard Chris was pressing Jason for details about the overnight dates.  I was glad that Jason kept it classy and didn't share details.  Good job DJ J!

Trista and Ryan:  How sweet are they and expecting baby number 2!  Ryan seems like such a sweet, handsome and loving man!  Oh, and I love that Trista wants Melissa for Jason.

Charlie and Sarah.  I have to admit that I didn't watch this show so I really don't care about them.  Moving on...

The Bachelorettes are back...dum dee dum dum
Bringing out the crazy: Megan.  Natalie.  Lauren.
Let's start with Megan.  Were ya'll surprised at how she handled herself.  I totally thought she would pull the trashy, cussing woman card again.  I was glad that she appeared more low key and retrospective.  Good job Megan.
Natalie...oh, that poor, clueless girl.  She is the first one in the hot seat.  I am so glad they showed the "I love bears" conversation again.  It screams DITZ!  Oh, and then they make it even better by showing the limo scene.  It was embarassing.  Her talking in the hot seat just makes her sound worse.  I am sure she is a nice enough girl, but it seems like she is sreaming...take me to a counselor so I can figure myself out!!!

Jillian.  Ahhhh, I love Jillian.  Great name too!  Man, wasn't it hard to watch the recap of her and Jason's relationship?  So sad!  After listening to what she says, I just love her.  Natalie could learn a thing of two from her.  I think you should marry your best friend.  Of course there should be more, but you need that.  Yea, Chris just asked her if she would be the next Bachelorette...and she said yes!  I WOULD LOVE A SEASON WITH HER AS THE BACHELORETTE!

Now it is Jason's turn in the hotseat.  Now, I am really not going to go on anymore.  There just wasn't a lot there.  I am just so ready for next weeks shows.  Holy Moly!  I just can't wait to see what happens.  Does he pick DeAnna?  Does he pick Melissa?  What about Molly?  Why is the After The Rose Ceremony so emotionally difficult?  Why no audience?  Oh man, this is driving me crazy.  Don't spoil it for me if you "think" you know!  Oh man...

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Brace Yourselves For The Bachelor

I am bracing myself for the Bachelor.  Tonight is the Girls Tell All, which I will blog about this evening.  However, next week, I think we are going to get a true shocker.  I know they always say, In The Most Dramatic Rose Ceremony Ever, well, this time I think it is true.  

Please don't post any spoilers on the comment sections.  I want it to be a surprise.  I will say that I have a neighbor who told me I will be shocked and it won't be good.  Oh goodness ya'll.  Why can't people go along with how the show is supposed to work.  Go on the show.  Make out.  Go on dates.  Fight with the girls.  Fall in love with the boy.  Boy proposes.  Get married.  Have babies.  Live happily ever after.  Is that so hard?  

I will be prepared for next weeks show with a bottle (or two) of wine, some girlfriends and a box of tissues.  I will warn you know...next weeks show will most likely bring out the "WTFs" in me, but I will try to be on my best behavior.  Oh dear, I am already getting anxious about this.  Dang DeAnna.  I think she is going to screw up everything.  

If you haven't been spoiled, leave a comment as to what you think will happen...I'd love to hear it!

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Monday, February 16, 2009

The Bachelor Recap #7...Overnight Dates!

Holy Moly Ya'll.  It is 7:45pm and I am actually camped out on the couch with my MacBook blogging while watching the Bachelor.  So, as long as there isn't bad weather and my TIVO freaks out, I'll have this posted tonight.  Yea for me!

This is the overnight dates for all three remaining girls; Molly, Melissa and Jillian.  My prediction is that Molly will be out.  Also, this is apparently the show that DeAnna comes back.  I am not going to believe it until I see it though. 

Right now Jason is recapping his relationships with the remaining woman.  With Jillian he wants to see the passion.  With Molly he was glad that her family approves of him and wants to see if he will take it to the next level.  With Melissa, he wants to have a serious conversation about why her parents wouldn't meet him and why they weren't there for her.

Queenstown, New Zealand...Overnight Dates

#1: Jillian
Their date starts with a helicopter ride over these amazingly beautiful cliffs in New Zealand.  They then park it on a blanket and have some great conversation about each other.  They seem really at ease together.
After their picnic, they met up at the beautiful little winery.  Let me just get this out of the way, how awesome are Jillian's clothes.  Right now she is wearing this sweet/sexy little pink dress that looks like it should be on Legally Blond.  She needs to get ahold of me and give me her hand-me-downs!
OME!  If I hear Jason say one more time about how he wants to see the passion with her or he wants to see if there is more physically, I am going to throw one of Gage's cars at the TV.  She is a hottie Jason, just go makeout with her.  The passion will be there.  Goodness boy, keep it in your pants!

Ok Jason, I am now witnessing the passion.  She has just accepted the key to their room!  I love how ABC is playing the sexy elevator music...Jillian just said that it is going to be a long night and she hoped he could "Handle All This Fire!"  LOVE IT!
Of course, when they get to their suite, they head straight for the hot tub.  WHAT AM I WATCHING.  I think it switched me to a porn movie.  The music got fiesty.  Their are two people straddling each other in a hot tub...oh wait...It is still the Bachelor.  Whoa.  It is getting hot!!!  I am feeling a bit uncomfortable watching this

#2: Molly
Their dates starts off with bungy jumping.  I'm out...If that were me, I'm out.  Just watching them wiggle to the edge is making my stomach nervous.  Jason totally screamed like a total girl!!!  Oh goodness!

After their jump, they go eat.  That is when Molly pulls out the list of questions.  Some of the questions are silly, but they answered the little things.  

(Side Note: It just went to commercial and they showed that one where the couple is riding the bike.  How gross it is that the woman has the LONGEST armpit hair.  Gross-o-lo!)

Jason is wanting to see the more serious side of Molly.  He knows they have a lot of fun together, but needs more.  Their conversation seems a little hard to come by.  Jason noticed some things about her family, specifically the space between her parents.  He was concerned that there maybe be a problem with her letting her guard down with him.  Once they started talking about her guard down, it became awkward, almost like Molly knew she wasn't the one but still needed to tell him that she is falling in love with him.  I don't really know what to make of that conversation.  It seemed odd.  

Her final question was of her asking him to spend the night with her.  So, off the head!  Their date started off in the bathtub.  Really, this show is getting a little slutty.  Somebody's going to get pregnant!

#3: Melissa
I LOVE their reunions.  They seems so happy, genuinely happy to see each other!  It is so sweet to watch.  I think she is the one!!  Their date started out on Winston Churchill's boat on a lake.  It was just beautiful out there.  They then get back on dry land, only to get into some hot pools.  I feel bad for Melissa having to talk about her parents.  You know it has to be hard for her to have missed out on that.  

Their date then moved on to a nice restaurant.  I am a little sick of them talking about her parents though.  Let's move on...

The suite.  When Melissa was reading that card, Jason was totally blushing.  So they went off to their suite at the Matakauri Lodge.  She opens up to Jason and tells him that she loves him.  It was so sweet.  He looks at her so tenderly and with so much compassion and love and happiness.  She is totally the one!!!

The Rose Ceremony:
While the ladies are walking to their spots, Jason is watching the video messages.  Each tells him how much fun they have with him and how much they want to be with him.  When he was watching Melissa's video, it looked like he was going to cry.  He better not send her home!

Rose #1: Melissa (YEA!!!!)
Rose #2: Molly
Going home: Jillian (OH MY GOODNESS, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!)

Jason just walked her out and sat her down on a bench.  He tells her that he has never met anyone like her.  But that their lives are just too different.  It is so hard to watch Jillian open up so much and show her emotions for him.  Jason must feel horrible doing that to her.  Poor Jillian.  She is one strong and impressive woman.  

Next Week:
The Reunion and Woman Tell All.  
Favorite couples of seasons past.
And, the final show.

When is DeAnna coming back?  Ok, here she is.  She goes to New Zealand.  I am not a DeAnna fan...Of course, ABC tells us that it will be the most dramatic episode EVER.  Dum Dum Dum!

Love the farting noise while Molly and Jason were in the tub.  I am totally cracking up here!!!  Love bluppers!

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"Yucky Arms"

First, you might want to go down to the bottom of the page and turn the playlist off. In case you don't catch what Gage is really eating, he is eating Lucky Charms. He calls them, "Yucky Arms".

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines in the ER...and NO, I'm not dating the ER doctor

Seriously, I'm not dating the ER doctor.  That would be the only valid and acceptable reason to spend the evening in the ER.  So, here is the story of my VDay, and please, I am really warning you that this is TMI!  Like, hardcore TMI. Don't keep reading and then say, I should have stopped because I now know too much about Linsey's bowels.  

Ok, here it goes.  On Tuesday morning I woke up with some serious tummy issues and diarrhea.  This continues throughout the week and then gets worse Friday night and into Saturday.  So, I head on over to the local ER where the nice doctor tells me that I need bloodwork done and an IV of fluids.  Two hours later I am feeling better and head back home.  Thankfully my friend Alicia was there with her two girls for the weekend.  She watched all the kids while I was gone.  Hopefully things will get better for me!

Hope your Valentine's was a bit more romantic than mine!

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Monday, February 9, 2009

The Bachelor Recap #6...hometown dates

Darn it.  I totally watched the bachelor on monday and blogged about it.  However, I didn't post because I wanted to proof it.  Then I forgot and here it is Thursday and I am just now doing it.  Darn it!  Anyways, here it is...

First let me say that when I found out the President was going to be speaking at 7pm I almost had an accident.  I had to immediately check my tivo to make sure that one, the bachelor was still coming on and two, that I was going to tivo the entire show.  Peace was with me because the bachelor is on and we get to see it all!  Yea!  Good planning President Obama!

This is the hometown dates!  I am watching the previews, which by the way are lasting forever, but I really think I like Melissa for him the best.  I for sure don't like Naomi and am also not really a fan of Molly.  I like Jillian because she has my daughter's name, but also because she is so fun.  I think Melissa is the best match for him.  We shall see!

Hometown #1: Kelowna, B.C. Canada...Jillian
(let me take this opportunity to send a shout out to all my Canadian readers!  What's up, eh?)
After their reunion, which included a slow motion running hug, kisses and romantic gazes, they went to a winery.  Jillian opens up to him that her mom suffered from depression when she was growing up.  It was touching to see her get so emotional about the struggle her parents had in their marriage due to the depression.  I think it was good for Jason to know that about her and see a softer side.  

Jason met Jillian's parents, cousin, cousin's boyfriend and possibly her grandmother.  Her mother gave a sweet, but cheesy toast to Jillian and then asked to take Jason aside.  She actually had a typed out list of questions to ask him.  So funny...I can envision the family sitting together before he showed up and created that list of questions!  After the interrogation (not really, she was actually really nice to Jason) Peggy went to talk to Jillian.  Glen, her dad, seemed so sweet.  He got emotional just talking about Jillian.  I am sure that Jillian's father has created rather large shoes for her future husband to fill, he seemed like a kind and loving man.  

(Side Note: Is anyone getting tired of the side pony on Jillian?  She always has her hair like that.)

The Granny came!  What a class act!  I think she had love-at-first-sight with Jason.  Shortly after, Jason left and got ready for HM Date #2.

Hometown Date #2 Grand Rapids, MI...Molly
They meet at a country club.  Random.  Don't really picture Jason as a country club type of guy.  I have only been watching Molly's date for a couple of minutes and I am already done with her.  Sweet girl, but I think she NOT going to last.  Could she have put any more pressure on Jason by repeatedly commenting on how she does not bring guys she dates home because she cares so intensely about what her parents thing?  Yikes!  Then, double yikes, Molly's mom brings out head gear.  Oh my!  Poor Jas.

The head dresses come off and the momma takes him to draw Molly's picture, really?  Her dad gives his approval to her and a bit of advice.  He told her that if she doesn't make it to the end, don't cry in the limo.  Ha!  That made me laugh.  I'm glad he doesn't want the type of daughter that cusses out the camera guys while balling like she just witnessed the murder of her dog.  Good guy.  

Ok, so maybe I do like Molly for Jason.  

Hometown Date #3 Lake Elsinore, CA...Naomi
Someone, please tell her that "important" should be pronounced with a T!!!!!  (pet peeve, sorry)  Jason meets her mom, dad, sister, younger brother, niece, nephew and half-sister.  First comes the hula hoops.  Poor Jason, he can't hula hoop...hope that isn't an indicator of his beneath the sheets moves.  Heehee!  Second comes the dead dove.  OME!!  ARE YOU SERIOUS?  Jason, run now, run as fast as you can!!!  Let us all have a moment of silence for Rosy, the dead dove.

Seriously, Naomi is a goner.  Pack up now and lets get to Melissa's date...

(I do have to mention, before moving on, Hector, the father, sits Jason down to give him the christian spiritual conversation.  He got pretty intimate on the topic, but then the mom interrupted them and took Jason away for some one on one!  She then sits down with him and discusses the premonitions she has and how Naomi is strong psychically.  Then she moved on to reincarnation.  Hmmmmm...no wonder Naomi's parents got a divorce.)

Hometown Date #4 Dallas, TX...Melissa (YEA DALLAS!)
Their reunion was by far the best!  They were so giddy happy lovey dovey.  Love it!  Love her!  She gave Jason a gift, which she made, and it was for Ty...a tooth fair tooth holder.  Major brownie points!  Then the floor drops a bit.  Her parents did not feel comfortable meeting Jason with all the cameras.  Poor Melissa.  Suck it up folks, she needs this!  I thought it was actually really nice because the friends she brought him to meet were married and had kids.  I thought it was going to be more of a bunch of young girls drooling over Jason, but was glad that it still had the family vibe to it.  

The girls split and googoo over how great she feels with Jason.  The guys split and talked about Melissa.  The guys had only good things to say about her.  It was really sweet because the talk about her like they would talk about their little sister.  So sweet!

A red flag for Jason was the fact that her close friends didn't really know her parents and vice versa.  Jason and Melissa were the only ones, from all the hometown dates, that got alone time together after the "family time".  She had to explain to him that her parents are very private people, don't know her friends, didn't go to any of her games.   Sad, but then they kissed a bunch, so that made it better!

Rose Ceremony
#1: Molly...she looked like she was wearing my BCBGMaxAzria dress, which I have in blue and wore to the Twilight Premiere.  I wore it better! :)
#2: Jillian
#3: Melissa

Bye bye Naomi.  Poor thing, but they just weren't compatible.  At least not to me, the viewer of the Bachelor.  

(deanna, are you even coming back?  deanna, are you there?)

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Falling Whistles

go here to read about my unexpected outing on Saturday evening

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Bachelor Recap #5...2 hours?!?!?!

I can't believe this show is 2 hours.  Man, I'll try to keep it short and too the point.  I had another Bachelor watching party.  Cindy, Dylana, Liz!  I love you girls so much.  Thank you for coming over to watch the show.  I love that we have yet to watch an episode!  Our chats mean more to me than you know.

Ok, Final 5! Molly, Jillian, Melissa, Stephanie, Naomi.  All the ladies will be traveling to Seattle.  This episode was running slow for me.  Like super slow.  Like they should have cut out some of the jealous chit chat of the women and made it an hour show instead of 2 hours.

It was sweet to show the reunion between Jason and Ty.  He is always emotional when they meet again.  So sweet!  Can I just mention that Seattle is so beautiful?  Well, it is!

Date #1: Melissa
(side note: Naomi is whining because she didn't get the first one on one.  Naomi, stop whining and guess what, IMPORTANT has a T in the middle, it isn't impor-ant!)
Not a big fan of Melissa's dress, it kind of squished her boobs funny.  Poor Ty and poor Jason. He is totally having a child meltdown moment.  So, he calls Melissa (LATE: not good) and tells her to get in the car and go to his house.  When Jason comes down Melissa is in her boob squishing dress, so she changed into her stretchy pants.  I love that because we all know we have our stretchy pants!  

Another side note: Melissa played with her ice cream for like 5 minutes and never ate a bite.  Their date is giving me a weird vibe.  I don't have a good feeling about her and Jason's future.  Oh and I just saw her tramp stamp! 

Date #2: Stephanie, Jillian, Molly: starts on a boat, then a radio station, then dinner/drinks at the hotel
Stephanie get the first alone time.  I like her, I think she is sweet.  But tonight she was looking a little to Trani (transvestite) for me.  She had on a with fur vest and lots of rings and makeup.  

At the radio station the girls are sitting in another room where they cannot hear.  However, Melissa and Naomi are at home listening to his answers, including the one of who was the best kisser.  That had to hurt the other girls who were listening.  The kissing questions leads to a blind kissing test to see if he could figure out who is who.  That is a totally loaded event!  Lucky for Jason, he got it all right.  Good job Jason! 

Jillian got the second alone time with him.  She opens up to him and let him know that she came here for the experience.  Wow!  That surprised me.  I wonder if she is there for the right reasons and don't know is she is ready to be a stepmom and wife.  We shall see!  I want to see him in her environment. 

Date #3: Naomi
I am over Naomi.  Their date started on a sea plane and then moved to a large sporting good store.  I am annoyed by her hair, why is it always in her face.  I am annoyed with her hood.  Why do you need to wear a hood indoors?  It isn't raining.  It isn't windy.  Take the hood off.  Did that bug ya'll or am I being mean?

Ok, so the next day he comes to the girls hotel room and pull Jillian aside.  He wants to make sure she is there for the right reasons.  I love her again!  She seems so fun and loving and real.  It makes me think they are good again.  She is Molly's biggest competition.  I feel like those two girls the leaders of the pack.  I will place my bet on Molly and Jillian to be the final two.  Anyone with me?

I am not a cussing girl, but when  the h-e-double hockey stick is DeAnna coming???

I think either Stephanie or Naomi are going home.  

Rose Ceremony:
All the girls look great...except Naomi.  I did not like her blue/black faux two piece dress and I hate those two bunches of hair that she constantly keeps on either side of her face.  I also wasn't a big fan of Stephanie's dress.  Jason surprised the girls and says that he needs to ask one girl more questions.  It was Naomi and I really didn't think he asked her that much.  He asked if she was ready for this lifestyle.  That was it.  Really, I thought he would have asked more or voiced more concern.  

And the roses go too: Jillian.  Melissa.  Molly.  Naomi

Stephanie is going home.  Jason wants to say in front of everyone:

You are...the most amazing person I have ever met.  And I think we are all better people for meeting you here.  You are a beautiful person, outside and in.  I'm so glad to have met you.  

She is one amazing woman.  I hope she is the next Bachelorette or better yet, finds a man that will make her a princess.  She is one classy lady.

Next time...  Jason travels to the girls hometowns.   

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Bachelor Recap #4...and it keeps getting better!

I am so excited to be sitting on my couch, watching the Bachelor while blogging on my new MacBook.  I am the proud new owner of an Apple!  Yea...!

Ok, here we go.  There will be 3 dates with roses, a 1 on 1, group and a 2 on 1.

For the 1 on 1 date the girls will have to write and perform a song for Jason (remind you of last season?).  Impressions...Molly is to silly, Stephanie is a total pageant girl and Nikki is control freaking out because she is so anal!  I don't know how she is going to be as a mom...maybe that will relax her a bit!  Shannon is rapping, oh no!  

STEPHANIE...DID SHE REALLY WEAR THAT AND SING THAT????  Nikki sang a song that she would want to sing to her baby.  She did good, but that wasn't really the point.  

1 on 1:  Jason and Molly (she won the song sing-off) --"Let's stay home tonight at my place"
I am so glad to see Jason have a regular (non-slut) date.  This would so totally be my kind of date.  Eating fast food while sitting on a blanket on the floor - Love it!  How cute, next the go outside on a blanket, next to a tent and make smores.  Yumm-o!  Ok, I have to admit, at first I wasn't a Molly fan, but hearing her talk kind of make me like here more.  I just don't know if she is ready for Jason's life.  She does get the rose and a kiss...lots of kissing!

The date is dragging on and it is getting late.  Of course psycho Shannon is lurking in the dark waiting for Molly's return.  She is so crazy.  Do we really need to hear the moaning going on inside the tent?  I think not!  Jason drops her off in the morning.  She totally struts inside in his clothes.  Did you get the feeling she walked in to show off?  That had to rub the girls the wrong way.

Group Date: Jillian, Lauren, Shannon, Megan, Melissa and Naomi --"Want to Play Doctor?"
Do you notice how many girls are wearing scarfs this season?  The go to the set of "General Hospital".  That would be fun, but I don't know anything about soaps.  So, this show quickly goes back to "slut-dates".  They are going to do a kissing scene.  Of course, psycho Shannon offers to do the first kiss.  I really don't like this date.  I don't think it is fair to kiss him in front of other people, I don't like it at all.  Not at all!  Totally awkward!  I loved Jillian's crazy blond wig.  She is so funny!!!  

Ok, this is Megan's scene.  She is in a little black nightie thing.  I seriously DO NOT like her at all.  She attacks his face.  Like, totally attacks his face!!!!  I think it is safe to say that she has a lot of pent up sexual energy.  Bye Bye Megan (please don't give her a rose, please!!!).

After that, they go to a nightclub to hang out.  Naomi is sitting by herself, so Jason steps in and takes the damsel in distress downstairs to talk.  Good move Naomi!  Way to get alone time with him.  I really like Melissa.  She had a really hard time with this date and seeing the girls kiss Jason.  She seems so open and ready to be with Jason in a sincere way.  I think Megan and Melissa are total opposites.  Do you agree?  Oh my goodness.  Megan had one on one time with Jason and he didn't kiss her and she really, really wanted him to kiss her.  She is crazy.  Does anyone like her?  I vote that Shannon and Megan go bye bye!  

Lauren and Jason have one on one time.  Now, last week, Jason and Lauren had some chatting time where Lauren ratted out how mean Megan is.  That was why there was so much drama at the rose ceremony.  So, tonight, she was bad mouthing Megan again.  Not really a topic I would want to keep bringing up on all my one on one times.  I'm not a Lauren fan either.  

Ok, now Melissa has some one on one time.  I like her!  She immediately starts crying.  That would so be me!  She shared that the date was hard for her because she realized that she really likes him.  It was so sweet and innocent and honest.   ARGGGGGGG!  Psycho Shannon interrupts their one on one time!!!  She forces the next one on one time with him.  (Someone bring out the straight jacket!)  (Someone, get a restraining order...she keeps saying "you can't let me go, I'm not letting you let me go")  She really just blew her snotty nose in front of him, and picked her nose.  Yuck.  Their kiss was so weird.  Rejected.

Naomi got the group date rose.

2 on 1: Stephanie and Nikki (I hope Nikki goes home)
I really don't know who is going to go home.  Nikki is so OCD, but Stephanie seems a little to formal for him.  Once again, the girls get fancy, picked-out clothes.  So pretty woman (again)!  Jason picks the girls up in this amazing old school car and go to a fancy restaurant.  They begin by bringing out a ballroom dance instructor to learn to waltz.   Stephanie was totally in her element but poor Nikki was not looking so hot!  Poor Jason didn't look that comfortable dancing with Stephanie because she looks so elegant and professional.  OME!  Nikki just stole Jason from Stephanie..Oh no she didn't!  Stephanie just stole him back from Nikki.  I feel the claws coming out!  It was almost becoming a game of stealing the man candy.  

I was surprised at how Nikki was really sticking her neck out there with opening up.  She told Jason for the first time that she was in a serious relationship for 11 years.  I couldn't believe that she hadn't told him about that relationship before.  Then he gets one on one time with Stephanie.  I like her, but at times she is a bit to much.  Too passionate.  Too focused.  Too in control.  Too much!  

Dum Dum Dum...he has the rose....and it goes too
STEPHANIE!!!!  Yea!  You could totally tell that Stephanie was just devastated for Nikki. Stephanie is a truly genuine woman.  At the end of the night, she finally get her kiss.

Rose Ceremony:  
I love Jillian's dress.  Super sexy purple strapless dress with a dangerously low cut back!  Love it, Love her!  I really hate Shannon's dress!  It was like a crocheted white top with red layered bottom.  Not good!  Lauren gives him way to much crap, almost like a little, annoying sister! Bossy!  She is so going home.  

Roses go to:  Melissa, Jillian, I KNEW IT!!!!  I totally new he wasn't going to give out the last rose.  His choices were Psycho Megan, Psycho Shannon or Bossy Lauren.  I have ESP!!!  Yea for Jason to not give out a tag along rose!  Ohhh, Megan is about to blow up the beeping machine!  (Molly, Naomi and Stephanie already have roses)
Going home: Megan (yea!), Shannon (yea!) and Lauren (yea!)

Next week, he gets to see Ty and brings the girls to Seattle.  (HELLO?  When does DeAnna come back?)

Until next week, let me know our thoughts?  

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